Money ranks society, we base the rich high class people off the billions and millions of dollars that they have, the middle class is where most of us fall and then there are the people who hardly have any money at all and they are low class. But is money what we should rank ourselves with?
Because I believe money is not the most important thing in this world, and the day you start thinking that is the day you are wrong. Money might be the the thing that gets you things that you want like a car or a house or even that dream vacation. It might put the more expensive food on your table, let you get the top shelf liquor when you are out as opposed to just the well drinks, it might get you the designer jeans and the high dollar purses and all those things are great, and who wouldn't love to be able to have all those things? Not have to stress a day in their life for money and just be able to spend it and do whatever your heart desires, but really where does that get you? Whats a fancy car to drive when you are too worried to take it out of the garage incase you might wreck it? What is the reason to own the big house without a family to put inside of it? What is that dream vacation if you don't have someone to share it with? What makes the expensive food better for you? Why only buy top shelf liquor if you are spending it on girls or guys you'll only spend one night with and leave in the morning? What really does the brand of your purse or jeans have to do with? I guess what I'm trying to say is what does all of that stuff mean without people surrounding you? And not just people, family who loves and cares about you and would be by your side no matter if you only had a penny in your name, or a significant other who thinks your jokes are funny and lights up when you walk in the room and wants to spend every day with you, even the bad ones. The friends who have stuck by your side in the worst of times and the best of times who have become close like family. The relationship that you hold with God and the closeness that you share with Him. Aren't these the things that actually matter? I'm pretty sure no amount of money can buy relationships, not real ones anyway. You can make a whole bunch of money and have fake friends who join your band wagon just because you are rich, but they are just in it for the fame and the luxury. Significant others cannot be bought, there are gold diggers out there, but once again, that isn't real love, thats greed. Money does buy a lot. But I'd take my relationships with my family over making millions any day. Call me crazy but aren't the relationships that I hold the things that really matter? Money comes and goes and the things that you buy while you are on this Earth are only temporary but the relationships that you hold with God, Family and Friends those last forever. Maybe its just Thanksgiving making me think like this because I'm so thankful for all of my family and friends and God especially, but its something to think about, next time you feel money hungry remember, there are more important things in life. Would you rather be rich with all the money you could ever want that you can burn through or sit on, or would you rather be rich with relationships that won't fade with the people who truly love you for you?