Monday, January 16, 2012

Remaining Constant.

Our lives are ever changing.
There are days where life seems to be spinning out of control and that everything is changing and we can't seem to find the one thing that holds us to the ground.
The problem with that is we don't open our eyes, the change in our lives seem scary and new so we are afraid of what might come next. But what we don't realize at the time is who is next to us when everything is changing.
God remains constant in our lives, although we tend to leave Him out from time to time, He is always there, willing to help you through the changes, celebrate the changes, heal over the changes, find peace in all the changes. There is a peace that comes with God, that sense that everything is going to be okay even when it feels like it is not. God is the master of plans, He knows when the game is going to change, because He calls all the plays! He knows what the other side can do, the temptations that come along and doubt, so He understands that we will fail, we are human. We are not perfect creatures, and He understands that, He accepts that, He loves us for that. God is there through every change, every struggle, every victory. God remains constant.

God also blesses us with people on Earth who remain constant in our lives. You know, the people that are always there for you no matter what, holding your hand, giving you a high five, hugging you, encouraging you, crying with you, laughing with you. There are people God put on this Earth to just be in our lives for a short period of time, others to stay awhile and then He gives us our constants. I'm blessed to have constants be my close family and I have a constant in a best friend. There was a time a couple years ago when I wouldn't have been surprised if my sisters gave up on me, I wasn't making the best choices, I wasn't being the best sister I could be, I was letting them down but the thing I was the most grateful for when I came out of the darkness I was in was that they remained constant and loved me through it, just like my parents had. They didn't agree with every decision I was making, they noticed the changes in who I was becoming and they just loved me through it. And you might think I'm crazy for saying that I'm thankful my sisters and parents loved me through that time, because that is what family is all about, but my point is they didn't have to be. They could have turned their backs on me, shunned me, and stopped communication with me all together, it is sad to say, but we see it more and more now happening with families all over they let changes affect their relationships. They didn't allow me to spin out of control completely, they held onto my hand and tried to pull me back down and show me the good in my life. They reminded me of the blessings that God gave me right in front of me.

It is hard being friends with someone, let alone a group of people and especially many groups of people. It seems as we grow up our friends change. When we are in elementary school whoever is in our class that likes the same games as us at recess become our friends. In middle school whoever is sitting next to you that period is your friend. In high school who ever is involved in the same sport or club is your friend and they often change around the seasons, the people who you are the most close with are the people you spend most of your time with. In college the people we are close to are the ones that share our major. As we get into careers our co-workers become our friends. See, friends are ever changing, just as we change. I am blessed to say I have many people I consider my friends, I may not see them often, or talk to them every week but I consider them friends I want to keep. One friend in particular has remained constant in my life since the end of 8th grade. We each had our own groups we hung out with during seasons, she was a cheerleader, I played volleyball and helped out with the football team. She was in all honors classes and I was involved in agriculture classes. By high school terms, we really shouldn't have been as close as we were because we didn't have much in common when it came to activities. But the thing that brought us together was the fact that God was constant in each of our lives. We could be open and honest and share our thoughts and prayers with each other, and we still can. She and I haven't been able to see each other as much, and we still have our own people that we spend our time with but if there is ever anything I need or anything she needs we know that we can drop whatever we are doing to help the other one out. It is a constant friendship that I am so thankful to have, and even just calling it a friendship seems to downgrade it a little bit because she is so much like family and she is what I like to call my "person".

The whole point of this isn't to tell you how amazing my constants are (even though they are amazing:) It is to remind you of the constants you have in your life. The people that are always there, the ones you tend to forget about  and you spend all your time worrying about the changes and the things you can't change.  Thank your constants today. And know that even if you can't think of one person on this Earth right now who has truly remained constant, know that God is there for you always, and it doesn't matter if your communication with Him hasn't been constant. He loves you. Thank Him for loving you. And ask Him to open up your eyes to see the people around you who He gave you as constants.

Things are going to always be changing, so instead of looking at what is going to be happening next, think about who is standing next to you.

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