1. Read the New Testament
I've read the majority of the New Testament, but I have never read it from the beginning to the end consistently and I think that in doing so my relationship will only grow with God this year.
2. Sky Dive
The reason why I would love to do this is because I love a rush and I think after finishing school I will need to celebrate in a big way!
3. Put effort in my appearance every day before I leave the house
It may seem simple for some people, but for me this will be a task, putting in the time to make myself look better will in turn make me feel more confident where ever I go.
4. Make a pie
I have never done this, and I have always wanted to, all I have to do is dedicate some time out of one day of my 365 to complete this!
5. Have a dress up dinner for no reason
Who doesn't want to get all dolled up and have dinner? Its like going to formal, but not having the pressure of being in high school and worrying about what girl might be wearing the same dress as you.
6. Go to Apple Hill
I saw this place on the Sacramento news about four or five years ago and I have always wanted to and I realized, nothing is stopping me from going, but myself!
7. Go to a comedy show
I love to laugh, and I live in a college town where comedy shows happen often, and I won't be living here much longer and I might as well capitalize on it while I still can!
8. Ride a horse
Don't judge me for never riding a horse, I never have but always have wanted to, this will be my year!
9. Drive stick shift
I've never had to have to learn to drive stick shift, I'd like to take a day and at least try it out and see if there is any hope for me!
10. Go wine tasting
I am not a fan of wine, but I'd like to think that wine tasting will help me get over that :)
11. Watch a hockey game live
Why I've never done this before, I have no idea. I'd love to go watch a hockey game and see the action live and in person!
12. Go to Bass Pro Shop
I've been to Cabelas and never have been to Bass Pro Shop, how this has happened, I really can't tell you but I really want to go!
13. Watch every Rocky Movie
I'm not even a big fan of boxing, but everyone always talks about how legendary these movies are, I wanna see if they are worth the hype!
14. Make Rice Pudding with my Avo Velma and Tia Angie
Someone from the next generation needs to learn to make it, I'd love for that someone to be me!
15. Own a pair of red high heels
I can thank Kelli Pickler for this idea ;)
16. Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge
My best friend lived in the bay area for four years and we never did this together, looks like we are going to make it happen this year!
17. Get a facial
Because I will need to treat myself into doing something special just for me! :)
18. Lose 15 pounds
I've got to start somewhere with a weight loss goal, I'd really love a toned body so however many pounds I have to shed for that, let them go!
19. Eat hotwings at Hooters
I can thank Teri Clark for this idea ;)
20. Own all seasons of One Tree Hill
The only one I'm missing is 7!! And then my collection will be complete!
21. Take a kickboxing class
Because I want to kick ass.
22. Try all flavors at Baskin Robins
Because I have always wanted to but never made it happen, sounds like I will this year, won't help me with toning up my body, but it will make me happy!
23. Write 23 blogs this year
I get so inspired by so many things and I feel its important to share so I'd like to make it a point to write at least two a month :)
Here's the first of me being 23 :)
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