Ever get stuck in a rut? You feel like you are just going through the motions and nothing can seem to change it.
Ever feel like you are headed down a road you don't want to go ? You feel like your caught in some riptide that won't let you out
Ever feel like you are a disappointment? You feel like it doesn't matter what you are doing you feel like you are letting others down especially yourself.
If you are asking yourself any of those questions or relate to them somehow and feel those things, I must say I'm right there with ya.
It is extremely hard to make change. And once you make a change how do you know it is going to work out? How do you know that you've picked the right way?
I want to be a better version of myself. I want to work out more, study harder, keep my room clean, put more effort in my apperance, and be a more approachable person.
That list to me sometimes overwhelms me that is a lot of things to do and change. I have been putting everything off for sometime now and now is the best time.
Start today by making the changes you want, it takes a lot of courage to go out and do something you aren't used to doing. I moved away from home, and that change was tough, it took courage and I'm learning so much and growing so much from it.
People around you will support you and your decision to better yourself and do the right things to make a better you, LET THEM HELP YOU.
That too takes courage. Letting someone help you better yourself...it sometimes is a fine line, especially on those days when you don't feel like having someone check in. Don't let that discourage you! You will have days when you want to give up, but you will have your support group who will help you realize you shouldn't and that the goals you created for yourself can be accomplished.
I am a work in progress. I have a lot of different things I want to better myself at, and I just have to try every day. And eventually they say if you try and try it just becomes natural and second nature to you.
You know like when you go through a break up and someone says well just start smiling, even if its fake, and one day you will realize your smile is genuine.
Change takes courage, we all get scared to make changes especially when we've gotten in our routines and painted this picture of how we are, but how we are isn't necessarily how we should be or who we are meant to be.
Taking a chance on making a change is risky, but if you don't take risks, you can't reap the benefits.
This is something I am struggling with too, I have to remember to do these tips I'm advising.
Maybe this can be something we work on together, we can encourage each other to be the best version of ourselves.
Because if every person tried a little bit to make a change to be a little better imagine how much more confident we'd be. Imagine how much nicer you are when you aren't unhappy inside!
Today is the day to make the change. You have the courage inside of you now reach in and grab it out, do what is best for you and be the best version of yourself!
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