"I love that shirt"
"Your hair looks so good today"
"You look so cute"
"You are really pretty"
Have you told anybody something like this today?
Have you been told something like this by anybody today?
I think that compliments are key to a happy day. If you are the giver or the reciever and even better when you are both!
My goal that I've been trying really hard at is telling at least one person at school and wherever I may be something nice about them, about their hair, make-up, clothes, smile, whatever! Just something positive and something uplifting that makes someone else smile.
Think about when someone tells you something nice to you, it changes your whole day, shifts it toward the positive when it was headed negatively. Sometimes it can be extremely hard to take a compliment, but I learned a smile and a thank you is a great way to take one.
I think we get caught going to fast to forget about our neighbors, we all are in the same boat, am I pretty enough? Does this shirt look good? My hair look okay? We pick ourselves apart and we are our own biggest critics, and by being critics we turn negative toward other people, and that is a shame.
I think we should encourage one another, we should tell someone something little like we like their jeans. A girl in my class told me last week she liked my boots and I was so flattered, and they are just boots! But I smiled and felt good inside. I feel like that when I give other people compliments as well.
And don't just compliment people you know, although I'm sure they'd love that, but compliment people you don't know!
Go out and compliment! :)
Kody I love your heart :)