It made me feel empowered as a single female. It also made me think about all the women in my life, and in the media who I look up to who are having to face the single life due to idiot guys who didn't deserve them in the first place.
I do believe that we don't choose who we love, because if we did, I'm sure most of us would think some relationships we must have been drunk throughout because how could we have been so blind?
And I do think it is true that love is blind, because we are blinded by love, we don't catch to see what outsiders looking in catch, we don't notice the flaws because we think every imperfection is what makes them perfect. We make excuses to allow behavior that is unacceptable to become acceptable.
I am sick and tired of watching strong women in my life, who are beautiful and confident and have the world at their finger tips get heartbroken by some guy who doesn't even deserve to have gotten close enough to their hearts to break it. The girls that are so loving, kind and compassionate that they love the person they are with regardless of his short comings, and will take bad days over good because they are so drawn to them they can't get away.
Why do we allow guys to treat us like crap, to cheat on us, to talk down to us, to make excuses why they can't spend time with us, to lie to us, to say they will call and never do? Why do we let the people in closest to our hearts that don't deserve it and treat it with care? Why can we not see the train until it hits us head on without warning, the train that shows no sign of stopping?
I'm tired of hearing about how these boys, who don't even deserve to be called men, are treating the wonderful women in my life. Break ups over the phone? Cheating and lying? Saying they don't have the time?
It all seems like a bunch of bull crap to me, I believe that a person knows fully well if they want to be in a's a tip to any guy (if any guys are actually still reading my boy hating blog post) IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE WITH A GIRL ANYMORE, BE A MAN, BREAK UP WITH HER FACE TO FACE, BE HONEST, CUT THE BULL SHIT AND SAY WHY YOU REALLY ARE DOING IT. DON'T CHEAT ON A GIRL FOR AN EASY WAY OUT, DO WHAT A HUMAN BEING SHOULD DO FOR ANOTHER HUMAN BEING THEY CLAIM TO LOVE AND JUST BREAK UP WITH THEM WHEN YOU AREN'T INTO IT ANYMORE. AND WHEN YOU DO, LEAVE US ALONE.
I'm tired of guys playing mind games trying to spare feelings.
I'm tired of guys who are "playing a role" and aren't fully committed.
I'm tired of guys who think cheating is an acceptable thing to do, its called being single, if you want to hook up with a different girl every night you are able to do that, when you are SINGLE.
I'm tired of guys who feel like they are better than everyone else and so full of themselves to even show any compassion.
I'm tired of seeing the good girl get hurt.
I'm tired of hearing about all the wrong guys.
I know those men are out there, men who know how to treat a lady, who know how to love a lady and are waiting for the women to finally get a clue and stop dating all the jerks.
Kelly Clarkson sings so many songs about female power and I loved singing along with her tonight.
Kelly Clarkson sings of being stronger, and songs about letting go, and moving on, and they all just make me want to sing them to all the beautiful girls.
Ladies, I made a promise to myself (call me crazy) but I had my best friend point out to me that she saw a pin on pinterest that said, "don't find love when your lonely, find love when you are ready" and it got me to thinking, that I wouldn't rush into any relationship. I saw a guy walking around campus and I thought I could love him, he wasn't what most girls would consider "hot" but I thought maybe he's one of the men out there who can treat me right, who won't break my heart, and who will love me unconditionally forever.
I think we all jump too fast after we get out of one relationship to another, without giving ourselves time to heal so to all my single ladies 2012 is the year for us, we aren't going to out looking for love, we are going to go out loving ourselves. We are going to do the things we want and make us happy and we are going to best heal our battle wounds and heal our broken hearts, we are going to feel beautiful when we look in the mirror and confident, we are going to feel worthy of happiness, and we are going to focus on us.
I figured out I can't let another guy fix me from what happened with a guy from my past, I mean it seems like something we see in movies right? He fixed my broken heart, he saved me from my pain? Why not be the damsel not in distress? Why not just be us? We don't have to play a part to find a man and we don't have to be fixed by any man.
For those of you who have stayed through and best followed this very late night blog post, I appreciate it.
Be careful with your heart but also know that the perfect guy is out there for you, and he might not fit the look that your checklist implies, but he could have gone through the same thing you've been through because we know that girls can be just as bad as guys sometimes.
Lets stop being desperate, and start being independent and confident.
Let love find you when love is ready to find you, don't force it.
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