Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What you do matters.

What you do matters.

I feel like people are placed in each others lives for a reason. I think that God puts us in the people's lives that need us in that moment.

There have been times when I have helped someone get through a really hard time, or they have to me and somehow we lost touch along the way. But I would hope that the help that I provided them and the kindness I showed toward them stuck with them, just like I feel thankful for all the people who are there for the moments in my life where I need them to be.

I think we all get so caught up in ourselves that we forget about the people surrounding us. We notice something on our Facebook or Twitter Feed and notice something seems a little off about a friend or follower we have and don't do anything about it, WHY? Is it because we don't think that we have the time to bother to even listen?

I think that school is important, I think that work is important and I understand that life gets incredibly busy, but is that really an excuse? Is that an excuse to let someone you could really help get through something or do a favor for someone because you don't have the time?

Isn't that what we are all here for? To help each other? Because every time we help someone else and put others above ourselves, we are shining God's light, showing God that we are loving and kind people.

Even the smallest thing can make the biggest difference.

Life is too short to worry about ourselves and not to care for others.

1 Corinthians 16:13,14 says " Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave and be strong. Let all that you do be done with love."

Love each other. And use that love and help someone with it. Even if it is as simple as a check up text or calling someone to catch up.

You never know what moment God will need you to talk to someone, but He will put you there to help...Be open to serve God's plan and help the people in need.

What you do matters.

Much Love and God Bless,

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