Its a small town in the USA you've probably never even heard of.
When I hear that word I feel safety, welcome, comfort and home.
I feel sorry for you who don't know what it is like to live in a place like Hilmar.
So many people say they want to get the hell away and move out and on with their lives and never come back. I could never imagine saying that. I made a move to college, and it is a move that I think placed me exactly where I need to be in this moment. But to say I don't want to go back, to say that there is any other place I could consider home? No way.
People look at me like I'm crazy if they aren't from Hilmar they think I'm just a sheltered little girl who made her world revolve around some small town. They don't know what is like, they are ready to pick up and move anywhere and never go back, and not even blink. I moved four hours away and the 240 minutes kill me to think about. I can't just drive home when I miss it. And I do I miss Hilmar. I especially right now am currently missing the first game of the Yellowjackets season. I've never missed a season opener. And you can't say that I should just "get out of high school" because its more than that...My dad is the head coach of the Varsity team and I am so proud of him, and the program that he has built. I find it thrilling to sit and watch a bunch of teenage boys play their hearts out, even though most of them will only play high school ball. I think watching a game under the lights is magical and hearing Russ Dutra say "and that's another yellowjacket TOUCHDOWN" feels so good. I love panning the crowd and seeing a sea of green and gold. I love hearing all ages cheering on a team who they are so proud of, even most of the adults there have already had their children graduate. Hilmar is a community. Hilmar is a family.
I am proud to say Hilmar is where I grew up and I would feel so blessed to raise my children in a place where they can feel like I did.
It is a place where not everyone is perfect, and people probably know more about each other's personal lives more than they should...but at the end of the day we've all got each other's backs. We support each other and pray for one another and isn't that what it is all about?
Going to the grocery store for a few items and staying inside the store for half an hour because you were talking to someone you knew, or anywhere for that matter, going to a place where someone knows you, or at least your dad, brother, sister or uncle lol
Its a community that supports eachother.
Hilmar is my home. Hilmar is where I grew up. Hilmar can't be found on most maps, but its in my heart.
Say what you want about small towns, and even my town. But you won't be able to change my mind. Hilmar is my home. And it is where my heart is.
I'm an inspired 20 something. I think we all have so much to offer this world. This blog was created for me to share my inspirations and allow you all into my thoughts, heart and world. Enjoy.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
"Just because the shirt is cute and cheap doesn't mean you need to buy it"-Lauren Marson
My best friend told me that a long time ago, and no it wasn't because of back to school shopping specials, it meant to do with matters of my heart. She was telling me that because of a boy that liked me and I thought, hey might as well.
We were probably 17 when she said this, and now that we are 21 its crazy to see how much deeper we view this.
Why do we allow ourselves to give in to things we don't really want or believe in?
Why do we settle for less than we think we deserve?
Is it self confidence lacking that make us think that it is okay?
Is it because we are lonely?
What drives us to settle?
I believe with all my heart there is someone out there for everybody, but its just like shoes, you can't wear shoes that aren't the right fit and feel comfortable.
Maybe we should have learned that in Cinderella, the whole prince waiting to see if the glass slipper fits.
If it doesn't fit, it doesn't work, we wouldn't buy shoes two sizes to big or one size to small, it wouldn't make sense...so why do we just give into the guy who doesn't fit?
It must be the marketing, he's got a big SALE sign on him, he says all the right things and he's not the exact right fit, but it looks good and doesn't cost too much so you might as well give it a try, you might make it work.
And maybe you feel since you didn't put a big investment into the relationship, its going to just be okay, you'll have someone to talk to, and hang out with.
Why settle?!
Who does that really help? Because the person you are "settling" for might be fully invested in the relationship, and you are hurting them in turn.
Are we selfish? Are we lost? Are we confused?
What drives us to settle?
You deserve it all...you deserve EVERYTHING.
You deserve to be loved and you deserve to give your heart to love. You deserve to be treated like a king or queen. You desereve to feel like you are the best thing in the other persons life. You deserve to feel beautiful. You deserve to feel fireworks. You deserve to feel passion. You deserve to have someone you can trust. You deserve to have someone loyal. You deserve someone who makes you laugh. You deserve someone who makes you happy. You deserve someone who won't try to hurt you. You deserve someone who doesn't only look out for themselves. YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING. YOU DESERVE IT ALL.
There is someone out there for everyone...
I believe in that. I'm 21 years old, I've had two serious relationships that aren't anymore, I haven't had the best luck with love. But I still believe in it, I have seen people find love when they are 15, 19, 27, 52 and so many other cases, there is no "age" you have to be to find your true love.
So what? Your friends are all engaged and getting married, or are just in serious relationships...and you aren't.
Just because the shirt is cute and cheap doesn't mean you need to buy it!
My best friend told me that a long time ago, and no it wasn't because of back to school shopping specials, it meant to do with matters of my heart. She was telling me that because of a boy that liked me and I thought, hey might as well.
We were probably 17 when she said this, and now that we are 21 its crazy to see how much deeper we view this.
Why do we allow ourselves to give in to things we don't really want or believe in?
Why do we settle for less than we think we deserve?
Is it self confidence lacking that make us think that it is okay?
Is it because we are lonely?
What drives us to settle?
I believe with all my heart there is someone out there for everybody, but its just like shoes, you can't wear shoes that aren't the right fit and feel comfortable.
Maybe we should have learned that in Cinderella, the whole prince waiting to see if the glass slipper fits.
If it doesn't fit, it doesn't work, we wouldn't buy shoes two sizes to big or one size to small, it wouldn't make sense...so why do we just give into the guy who doesn't fit?
It must be the marketing, he's got a big SALE sign on him, he says all the right things and he's not the exact right fit, but it looks good and doesn't cost too much so you might as well give it a try, you might make it work.
And maybe you feel since you didn't put a big investment into the relationship, its going to just be okay, you'll have someone to talk to, and hang out with.
Why settle?!
Who does that really help? Because the person you are "settling" for might be fully invested in the relationship, and you are hurting them in turn.
Are we selfish? Are we lost? Are we confused?
What drives us to settle?
You deserve it all...you deserve EVERYTHING.
You deserve to be loved and you deserve to give your heart to love. You deserve to be treated like a king or queen. You desereve to feel like you are the best thing in the other persons life. You deserve to feel beautiful. You deserve to feel fireworks. You deserve to feel passion. You deserve to have someone you can trust. You deserve to have someone loyal. You deserve someone who makes you laugh. You deserve someone who makes you happy. You deserve someone who won't try to hurt you. You deserve someone who doesn't only look out for themselves. YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING. YOU DESERVE IT ALL.
There is someone out there for everyone...
I believe in that. I'm 21 years old, I've had two serious relationships that aren't anymore, I haven't had the best luck with love. But I still believe in it, I have seen people find love when they are 15, 19, 27, 52 and so many other cases, there is no "age" you have to be to find your true love.
So what? Your friends are all engaged and getting married, or are just in serious relationships...and you aren't.
Just because the shirt is cute and cheap doesn't mean you need to buy it!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Two Sides To Every Story
I had the hardest time understanding when people would say "well there is two sides to every story." Its not like I didn't get what they meant, but I never really took it to heart, never gave it much thought. I just went along only seeing the side I wanted to see.
I have had mulitple instances in my life where I was told by someone I thought I could trust and care about, about another person and just took it as truth. I feel so terrible looking back at those times when I was so easy to trust what another person had to say without hearing both sides.
Those times when I just sat by and trusted what I heard and that became the image I grew in my mind for that person, and the majority of the times I never met the person before.
I could make up an excuse to why I allowed myself to do that, but it would be just that an excuse, and there is no excuse to do something like that.
I've learned a few things,
If someone is mad at their ex, I wouldn't take their opinion of them as full truth. They were hurt, and when people are hurt the easiest thing it seems to do is make the other person who caused you the hurt, hurt. But going around and telling people every single bad moment the person ever had in your relationship, (most likely embellishing the situations) now that isn't a fair thing to do. Just because that person left a "sour taste" in your mouth doesn't mean that you should make them look bad in the light of others. Chances are that person has things to say about you too, they were hurt by you, but they don't go around running their mouths about how you did them wrong. The best way to know what really happened, is to know both sides.
So you got cheated on, you got beat, you got mentally abused, etc...shouldn't you be happy you aren't in that relationship or associate with that person any more?
Shouldn't we allow others to form their own opinion? Why do we so easily throw people under the bus? Is it to make ourselves look better? Or the victim?
I especially learned that it isn't right to tell the story you heard about a person you don't know and a time you were there to actually know what really happened.
We all have our own side of a story. Is it right for us to throw someone's name in the mud? What are you really accomplishing when you do that?
Think about the law, now yes now and again our system is all screwed up, but the thing I think they've got right is before they make their decision they hear both sides of the story. We should allow ourselves to do the same.
I'm not saying that if someone is venting about their boyfriend or a girl who pissed them off in class you need to stop them and say no, I'm just saying don't take all they say as truth, a lot of the time we speak out of anger, and forget the great things that the person does have to offer.
If you really want an opinion on the matter, try to hear both sides of the story.
I have had mulitple instances in my life where I was told by someone I thought I could trust and care about, about another person and just took it as truth. I feel so terrible looking back at those times when I was so easy to trust what another person had to say without hearing both sides.
Those times when I just sat by and trusted what I heard and that became the image I grew in my mind for that person, and the majority of the times I never met the person before.
I could make up an excuse to why I allowed myself to do that, but it would be just that an excuse, and there is no excuse to do something like that.
I've learned a few things,
If someone is mad at their ex, I wouldn't take their opinion of them as full truth. They were hurt, and when people are hurt the easiest thing it seems to do is make the other person who caused you the hurt, hurt. But going around and telling people every single bad moment the person ever had in your relationship, (most likely embellishing the situations) now that isn't a fair thing to do. Just because that person left a "sour taste" in your mouth doesn't mean that you should make them look bad in the light of others. Chances are that person has things to say about you too, they were hurt by you, but they don't go around running their mouths about how you did them wrong. The best way to know what really happened, is to know both sides.
So you got cheated on, you got beat, you got mentally abused, etc...shouldn't you be happy you aren't in that relationship or associate with that person any more?
Shouldn't we allow others to form their own opinion? Why do we so easily throw people under the bus? Is it to make ourselves look better? Or the victim?
I especially learned that it isn't right to tell the story you heard about a person you don't know and a time you were there to actually know what really happened.
We all have our own side of a story. Is it right for us to throw someone's name in the mud? What are you really accomplishing when you do that?
Think about the law, now yes now and again our system is all screwed up, but the thing I think they've got right is before they make their decision they hear both sides of the story. We should allow ourselves to do the same.
I'm not saying that if someone is venting about their boyfriend or a girl who pissed them off in class you need to stop them and say no, I'm just saying don't take all they say as truth, a lot of the time we speak out of anger, and forget the great things that the person does have to offer.
If you really want an opinion on the matter, try to hear both sides of the story.
Change the World.
You know when you hear a song and it just really makes you sit back and think?
It might be even a song that causes a shift in your behavior and your outlook on life.
Could possibly be that song that moves you tears.
I am a lover of music, especially country music, and Carrie Underwood has a song that makes me sit back and think, shifts my behavior and moved me to tears.
The song is called "Change"
Have you ever had one of those days when you wake up and feel like you can do something great? Something that matters? And then there comes along something, maybe its a negative person, spilt coffee on your pants, an empty tank of gas, you know, that something that just changes your mind. That thing that brings you back down to this "reality" you've created for yourself or was created for you by others. That "reality" that tells you that you can't change the world, that what you do doesn't matter, that no matter how hard you try it will never be enough. Is it because of our age? Is it wrong to be a dreamer who tries to make a better future and present?
You are not a fool.
Like the song says "Don't listen to them when they say
"You're just a fool, just a fool to believe you can change the world"
Oh, the smallest thing can make all the difference
Love is alive, don't listen to them when they say
"You're just a fool, just a fool to believe you can change the world"
What got into us? When did it become wrong to believe in the power of goodness, kindness and helpfulness?
"The world's so big, it can break your heart
And you just want to help, not sure where to start
So you close your eyes
And send up a prayer into the dark"
People out there are naturally negative people, people who think that what they do doesn't make a difference, and they bring the naturally positive people down with them in making them question their hopes and dreams to make the world a better place. God can help you, He can turn your seemingly dark views and lighten them up. He wants you to help out others. He wants you to be kind to one and other, He even wants you to give a drink to your enemy when they are thirsty.
I think when people think of "changing the world" they think they have to be famous,or a politician or someone with some real "pull" but what I think most of us are missing out on is that it doesn't have to be a big fundraiser, you don't have to fork out a whole bunch of money, you don't have to be the one person who ends war, or feeds every hungry person in the world. Let's face it, there are things that would help change the world that envolve money and having the famous "pull"can help, and we aren't all famous or rich, so that doesn't mean we can't help, that we can't change the world.
Have you ever sat in class next to someone who isn't outgoing and doesn't speak during class but you gave them the time of day, helped them open up their shell? Well if you have it is a great feeling, chances are after the semester is over you left knowing a little bit more about the other's life and will think about each other from time to time, and even facebook or tweet or email every now and again, but what you may not have realized, is that person that you helped open up, they are going to be willing to open up again, they are going to have more confidence, and maybe help someone else.
That may be far fetched, but the point I'm trying to make is even if you just help one person, help someone get through a tough time in their life, giving them that hope that everything is going to be changed the world, especially the person's world you helped.
In this dog eat dog world we find ourselves thinking its all about us, and we have it all wrong. If you want to believe it or not we are wired to help each other, and in doing so its a chain of goodness, the "pay it forward" mentality we most of the time don't even realize we are actually doing.
You can change the world, you can change your country, your state, your county, your town, or even just one person's life.
Remember "the smallest thing can make all the difference...love is alive"
It might be even a song that causes a shift in your behavior and your outlook on life.
Could possibly be that song that moves you tears.
I am a lover of music, especially country music, and Carrie Underwood has a song that makes me sit back and think, shifts my behavior and moved me to tears.
The song is called "Change"
Have you ever had one of those days when you wake up and feel like you can do something great? Something that matters? And then there comes along something, maybe its a negative person, spilt coffee on your pants, an empty tank of gas, you know, that something that just changes your mind. That thing that brings you back down to this "reality" you've created for yourself or was created for you by others. That "reality" that tells you that you can't change the world, that what you do doesn't matter, that no matter how hard you try it will never be enough. Is it because of our age? Is it wrong to be a dreamer who tries to make a better future and present?
You are not a fool.
Like the song says "Don't listen to them when they say
"You're just a fool, just a fool to believe you can change the world"
Oh, the smallest thing can make all the difference
Love is alive, don't listen to them when they say
"You're just a fool, just a fool to believe you can change the world"
What got into us? When did it become wrong to believe in the power of goodness, kindness and helpfulness?
"The world's so big, it can break your heart
And you just want to help, not sure where to start
So you close your eyes
And send up a prayer into the dark"
People out there are naturally negative people, people who think that what they do doesn't make a difference, and they bring the naturally positive people down with them in making them question their hopes and dreams to make the world a better place. God can help you, He can turn your seemingly dark views and lighten them up. He wants you to help out others. He wants you to be kind to one and other, He even wants you to give a drink to your enemy when they are thirsty.
I think when people think of "changing the world" they think they have to be famous,or a politician or someone with some real "pull" but what I think most of us are missing out on is that it doesn't have to be a big fundraiser, you don't have to fork out a whole bunch of money, you don't have to be the one person who ends war, or feeds every hungry person in the world. Let's face it, there are things that would help change the world that envolve money and having the famous "pull"can help, and we aren't all famous or rich, so that doesn't mean we can't help, that we can't change the world.
Have you ever sat in class next to someone who isn't outgoing and doesn't speak during class but you gave them the time of day, helped them open up their shell? Well if you have it is a great feeling, chances are after the semester is over you left knowing a little bit more about the other's life and will think about each other from time to time, and even facebook or tweet or email every now and again, but what you may not have realized, is that person that you helped open up, they are going to be willing to open up again, they are going to have more confidence, and maybe help someone else.
That may be far fetched, but the point I'm trying to make is even if you just help one person, help someone get through a tough time in their life, giving them that hope that everything is going to be changed the world, especially the person's world you helped.
In this dog eat dog world we find ourselves thinking its all about us, and we have it all wrong. If you want to believe it or not we are wired to help each other, and in doing so its a chain of goodness, the "pay it forward" mentality we most of the time don't even realize we are actually doing.
You can change the world, you can change your country, your state, your county, your town, or even just one person's life.
Remember "the smallest thing can make all the difference...love is alive"
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Better World.
Have you ever met a person who made your world seem better just by being in it?
Well I had the honor in knowing a man who did that for me.
We live our lives with our heads in the clouds always looking out for #1 and we forget about the reason why we are all here. I believe that people were put on this earth to help each other. And this is the life that he led, a life where he was always helping never asking.
His name was Frank Silveira. Most people refer to him as Franky.
He was the most kind, generous, helpful, caring and nice person, especially for his age. He was a 2003 graduate from Hilmar High School, I was in elementary school when he graduated but my dad was the football coach and I helped him out on the field being the ball girl. I knew Franky, but didn't really know Franky until he came back to help coach. As the years kept passing our friendship kept growing and our bond kept building. We both shared a passion for Hilmar Football and loved being out under the lights on the sidelines, him coaching, me being the water girl, student trainer and coach's daughter on those Friday Nights.
He also was my track coach in high school, I did shot put and discus, and man was Franky patient. I was the farthest thing from competive in Track and Field, but I was out there to have fun, and he just wanted me to do my best while I was out there. He pushed me and I actually ended up not doing too poorly. I graduated from Hilmar High in 2008 and then my sideline career was done next to him and my dad and it was up in the stands for me. Although we weren't side by side during the game I always got to see him afterwards and always get a big big bear hug, win or lose. Franky had a way with people, and his hugs just made everyone feel safe and important. Franky grew into a big brother figure to me and my parents started calling him their "adopted son" because of the closeness they shared with Franky too.
Franky was my protector, and many other people's protector. One night, a night I'll never forget, it was earlier this year and I was with all my dad's coaching staff, Franky obviously included...and my ex boyfriend was tryng to mess with me, he called me from his friends number and was acting like he was somebody else and wouldn't stop calling me. I was getting really upset because I was just trying to move on and it seemed like he wasn't letting up. I turned to Franky because I was not 100% sure it was my ex boyfriend but I was 99.9% sure and I asked him if he knew what number was dialing me, he put it in his phone and said that he didn't have any contact matches.I sat on Franky's lap and asked him why he thought the guy wouldn't leave me alone and I told him I just wanted to move on with my life. Franky put his arms around me and comforted me and he said that it would get better. But I was getting upset so I went in the other room to call my best friend, we were talking about it and the number wouldn't stop calling me. I went back into the living room and Franky asked me if that guy left me alone and I said no he won't stop calling me, he proceed to call me again so I took the phone in the other room answered and said, listen I don't know who you are stop calling me. Then I went into the living room again and had someone help me turn off my phone. Franky again calmed me down and told me it would be alright. I went over to see my parents and they were telling me bout how Franky was being such a big brother and I was lucky. It wasn't until I got home that I found out that Franky called the number when I was in the other room and told my ex boyfriend to leave me alone. But that was just the kind of guy Franky was. He was always looking out for people and making sure people were happy. We also had two other memories right before he passed away. Franky and my dad put on a bootcamp for members of the community to work out and proceeds went to the football program, Franky always helped with the weights, well one day both of my parents weren't there it was just me, my sisters and a few others and Franky was there watching us and helping us. Christy Casey had her phone and we'd always play pandora on the speakers so we'd have some music to work out to...I asked Franky if I could pick the music and he said sure, I said boy bands it is! He said ANYTHING but the Backstreet Boys and I agreed...so what did I put on? "Hit Me Baby One More Time" Britney Spears station. He laughed and said well I guess I didn't say not to play her. I was never really serious about working out either I just wanted to have fun, so I took a pair of weights and I started dancing with them, and my sister joined in and Franky sat there laughing at us and even filmed us on his phone...he also one time at boot camp could not stop laughing when he watched me attempt to cart wheel and round off, gymnastics wasn't my strong suit either. :)
The last memory I have with Franky is on July 5, 2011 it was my dad's birthday and my sisters, brother in laws, nephews, mom and me were all there to celebrate with pizza and ice cream cake with my dad, we had a special addition join our family that night, Franky, we laughed and him and my dad talked about the upcoming football season and the guys he had for his line and he was so proud. We talked about how Franky was going to be my nephew's coach one day. And then two days later, Franky passed away.
When I found out I couldn't believe it. Why Franky? Why Now? Why does he have to leave us so soon?
My whole family was really tore up about it because we were all so close to Franky, especially my dad, they spent all summer together talking football an planning for the upcoming season. It still doesn't feel real.
The one neat part about that week he passed away is everyone got to see how many lives Franky touched, how many people's worlds he made better. How his kindness, bear hugs and infectious smile and laugh will be missed. A memorial was done on the football field in his honor, and lets just say Franky packed the house. The bleachers were filled, and the crowd was wearing green and gold. There was story after story about how Franky had touched lives, lives of teachers, principals, students, friends and family. All the stories that were told all led back to the same types of traits that everyone admired in Franky.
Franky was slow to anger he was big guy, but he was one of the nicest guys you could have ever met. He was caring, he always listened, after Franky passed away the stories came out on Facebook, and in person about how Franky helped them get through a time, how he was like a big brother, how he was a mentor, a best friend.
My dad said it perfectly, its like the Garth Brooks song "Our lives are better left to chance, I could have missed the pain but I'd have to miss the dance"
Although we are all hurting and aching and the pain hasn't gone away I wouldn't trade it for the world the time I spent with Franky.
Hilmar community suffered a great loss in Franky. He gave all his time to the town he loved so much. I want to live a life like Franky did. One that was full of love and laughter, one that had no enemies and many friends. I can not tell you one person who didn't like Franky, because even when Franky was being protective of the people that he cared about people understood why. Franky was liked by all and LOVED by SO MANY. I'm not even trying to go over the top with this, I have never met someone who didn't like him.
I can tell you about at least a few people who don't like me, and who knows how many more people there are out there who don't. Franky didn't do anything to make anyone not like him. He was a friend to all. He never met a stranger and if you met Franky once, you'd remember him forever because when he talked to you he made you feel important and like you were the only person that mattered in the world at that very second.
Franky was a follower of Christ. He was a Catholic who also helped out at church with the students helping them grow in their faith.
He was true inspiration. He still is an inspiration. I want to live my life better because of the example he left behind.
I know he is watching down on all of us in the little town of Hilmar, and wherever we've branched off to and he is always here with us. I still can't believe he is gone.
My dad's team this season is dedicating it to Coach Franky and the Modesto Bee wrote an article about it and if you click on the link you can read more about Franky.
Franky ALWAYS was smiling and he'd laugh with his whole body. He was a positive example and a dear friend.
I miss him SO much, I have him on my wall paper on my phone to this picture
And here is the article about him, I recomend reading it, its beautifuly written and tells you more about him
Franky's Article
Well I had the honor in knowing a man who did that for me.
We live our lives with our heads in the clouds always looking out for #1 and we forget about the reason why we are all here. I believe that people were put on this earth to help each other. And this is the life that he led, a life where he was always helping never asking.
His name was Frank Silveira. Most people refer to him as Franky.
He was the most kind, generous, helpful, caring and nice person, especially for his age. He was a 2003 graduate from Hilmar High School, I was in elementary school when he graduated but my dad was the football coach and I helped him out on the field being the ball girl. I knew Franky, but didn't really know Franky until he came back to help coach. As the years kept passing our friendship kept growing and our bond kept building. We both shared a passion for Hilmar Football and loved being out under the lights on the sidelines, him coaching, me being the water girl, student trainer and coach's daughter on those Friday Nights.
He also was my track coach in high school, I did shot put and discus, and man was Franky patient. I was the farthest thing from competive in Track and Field, but I was out there to have fun, and he just wanted me to do my best while I was out there. He pushed me and I actually ended up not doing too poorly. I graduated from Hilmar High in 2008 and then my sideline career was done next to him and my dad and it was up in the stands for me. Although we weren't side by side during the game I always got to see him afterwards and always get a big big bear hug, win or lose. Franky had a way with people, and his hugs just made everyone feel safe and important. Franky grew into a big brother figure to me and my parents started calling him their "adopted son" because of the closeness they shared with Franky too.
Franky was my protector, and many other people's protector. One night, a night I'll never forget, it was earlier this year and I was with all my dad's coaching staff, Franky obviously included...and my ex boyfriend was tryng to mess with me, he called me from his friends number and was acting like he was somebody else and wouldn't stop calling me. I was getting really upset because I was just trying to move on and it seemed like he wasn't letting up. I turned to Franky because I was not 100% sure it was my ex boyfriend but I was 99.9% sure and I asked him if he knew what number was dialing me, he put it in his phone and said that he didn't have any contact matches.I sat on Franky's lap and asked him why he thought the guy wouldn't leave me alone and I told him I just wanted to move on with my life. Franky put his arms around me and comforted me and he said that it would get better. But I was getting upset so I went in the other room to call my best friend, we were talking about it and the number wouldn't stop calling me. I went back into the living room and Franky asked me if that guy left me alone and I said no he won't stop calling me, he proceed to call me again so I took the phone in the other room answered and said, listen I don't know who you are stop calling me. Then I went into the living room again and had someone help me turn off my phone. Franky again calmed me down and told me it would be alright. I went over to see my parents and they were telling me bout how Franky was being such a big brother and I was lucky. It wasn't until I got home that I found out that Franky called the number when I was in the other room and told my ex boyfriend to leave me alone. But that was just the kind of guy Franky was. He was always looking out for people and making sure people were happy. We also had two other memories right before he passed away. Franky and my dad put on a bootcamp for members of the community to work out and proceeds went to the football program, Franky always helped with the weights, well one day both of my parents weren't there it was just me, my sisters and a few others and Franky was there watching us and helping us. Christy Casey had her phone and we'd always play pandora on the speakers so we'd have some music to work out to...I asked Franky if I could pick the music and he said sure, I said boy bands it is! He said ANYTHING but the Backstreet Boys and I agreed...so what did I put on? "Hit Me Baby One More Time" Britney Spears station. He laughed and said well I guess I didn't say not to play her. I was never really serious about working out either I just wanted to have fun, so I took a pair of weights and I started dancing with them, and my sister joined in and Franky sat there laughing at us and even filmed us on his phone...he also one time at boot camp could not stop laughing when he watched me attempt to cart wheel and round off, gymnastics wasn't my strong suit either. :)
The last memory I have with Franky is on July 5, 2011 it was my dad's birthday and my sisters, brother in laws, nephews, mom and me were all there to celebrate with pizza and ice cream cake with my dad, we had a special addition join our family that night, Franky, we laughed and him and my dad talked about the upcoming football season and the guys he had for his line and he was so proud. We talked about how Franky was going to be my nephew's coach one day. And then two days later, Franky passed away.
When I found out I couldn't believe it. Why Franky? Why Now? Why does he have to leave us so soon?
My whole family was really tore up about it because we were all so close to Franky, especially my dad, they spent all summer together talking football an planning for the upcoming season. It still doesn't feel real.
The one neat part about that week he passed away is everyone got to see how many lives Franky touched, how many people's worlds he made better. How his kindness, bear hugs and infectious smile and laugh will be missed. A memorial was done on the football field in his honor, and lets just say Franky packed the house. The bleachers were filled, and the crowd was wearing green and gold. There was story after story about how Franky had touched lives, lives of teachers, principals, students, friends and family. All the stories that were told all led back to the same types of traits that everyone admired in Franky.
Franky was slow to anger he was big guy, but he was one of the nicest guys you could have ever met. He was caring, he always listened, after Franky passed away the stories came out on Facebook, and in person about how Franky helped them get through a time, how he was like a big brother, how he was a mentor, a best friend.
My dad said it perfectly, its like the Garth Brooks song "Our lives are better left to chance, I could have missed the pain but I'd have to miss the dance"
Although we are all hurting and aching and the pain hasn't gone away I wouldn't trade it for the world the time I spent with Franky.
Hilmar community suffered a great loss in Franky. He gave all his time to the town he loved so much. I want to live a life like Franky did. One that was full of love and laughter, one that had no enemies and many friends. I can not tell you one person who didn't like Franky, because even when Franky was being protective of the people that he cared about people understood why. Franky was liked by all and LOVED by SO MANY. I'm not even trying to go over the top with this, I have never met someone who didn't like him.
I can tell you about at least a few people who don't like me, and who knows how many more people there are out there who don't. Franky didn't do anything to make anyone not like him. He was a friend to all. He never met a stranger and if you met Franky once, you'd remember him forever because when he talked to you he made you feel important and like you were the only person that mattered in the world at that very second.
Franky was a follower of Christ. He was a Catholic who also helped out at church with the students helping them grow in their faith.
He was true inspiration. He still is an inspiration. I want to live my life better because of the example he left behind.
I know he is watching down on all of us in the little town of Hilmar, and wherever we've branched off to and he is always here with us. I still can't believe he is gone.
My dad's team this season is dedicating it to Coach Franky and the Modesto Bee wrote an article about it and if you click on the link you can read more about Franky.
Franky ALWAYS was smiling and he'd laugh with his whole body. He was a positive example and a dear friend.
I miss him SO much, I have him on my wall paper on my phone to this picture
This always was one of my favorite pictures, and it means even more now then ever because I keep him with me at all times, where I go my phone goes and right there on my wallpaper is Franky. And I have the same picture up in my room up in college.
Remember, you can make the world a better place just by being in it. Just being there for someone can make all the difference, and its not what we take when we leave this world behind us its what we leave behind us when we are gone.
And here is the article about him, I recomend reading it, its beautifuly written and tells you more about him
Franky's Article
Monday, August 22, 2011
We've all heard it...
Let's get serious first impressions are just that impressions, the way you look when you first meet someone is an image that is burned into their brain until the next time you see them.
Job Interviews, they are based on appearance, who looks like they care more with the effort they put in.
Dating, guys look for the girl who is done up more and "looks hot" and girls do the same.
First time meeting someone else's parents, the way you look could make or break you, if you have too many tattoos or piercings or your clothes on too tight, they might not even want to hear what you have to say because the vision they have of their child hanging out with you
and the list goes on...
first impressions matter and appearances matter.
But why do we allow those to be the basis of what a person is on the inside? I've known some people who are full bodied in tattoos, with a little on the over the top wardrobe choices, who have many piercings and who have crazy hair. I'd be crazy to say that I didn't have my opinions of the person right of the bat, thinking things like "why would my friend date this guy he is covered in tattoos?" or "why does she wear clothes like that doesn't she know what people are saying about her?" or "why does he always act arrogant?" and like I said before....the list goes on.
One thing I am happy to say that I have done is that I have given these people a shot. If there is one thing I'm good at it is talking with people. I love talking with people and hearing their stories and getting to know them on a personal level. I've met some really great people that way. Looking past the outward appearances that they hold in society they are completely opposite of what I pinned them to be.
People who are so kind and giving and generous. People who can't catch a break because they like to wear their clothes a certain way or to mark their body up with tattoos. Those things don't define a person. And yes, maybe their choices on what they choose to do to their bodies and wear on their bodies might not be what you want to do with yours but that doesn't make it wrong. Every person on this earth is given the power of free will. Because a girl has bleach blond hair doesn't make her easy or stupid. And just because she is trying to portray that image of herself, she could just be putting up an act and is trying to heal her broken heart in the wrong way. You don't really know someones background or even someones present until you give them a chance.
All I can say and stand for are the experiences that I have had and the friendships I've built and the neat people I've come across that I probably never thought I would "associate" myself with...those people who truly have great things to offer the world and are more like you than you think. If we are all created equal don't you think we all deserve the right...no matter if you are black, white, female, male, gay, straight, quiet or loud to at least have a chance? A chance to get to be known by others by who we really are? We shouldn't have to be shunned against for being different, because if you are different than others it doesn't make you wrong. Every one is entitled to their own beliefs and guess what? In the real world here and now you will not get every person to be on the exact same page, religion, race, gender and so many other things.
I believe in God, I am a catholic, I am a female, I am straight, I am brunette, I am white, I am in my 20's, I am conservative, I am a college student, I am an outgoing person, I am human.
Yes I do believe in God, I do have what I believe is a strong faith and a relationship with Him, I understand that people don't view Him in the way that I do or even if they believe in Him at all. I would be lying to you if I said I could care less if people didn't know Him and have a relationship with Him, I would love for everyone to believe in God and Jesus Christ. I understand better now that I can only live my life. And hope that by living my life might inspire someone to believe in the greatness of the Lord that I believe in. I don't want to push my beliefs on someone that could turn them away, I have had friends who don't believe in anything, and they are great people and I pray that they find the Lord but I don't preach to them about why they should.
I believe we all have choices, we are given that right just by being on this planet, we all can make our own choices. You can choose to believe in what you want, wear what you want and be who you want to be and I really think we shouldn't be judged by that in the harsh way that we do.
Like I said I'd be lying if I didn't have thoughts going through my head on a first impression by the way someone talks or how they dress, but what I do and what I challenge all of you to do is to just TRY, TRY to give them a break, a chance, some time to actually get to know what is under the outward appearance.
I promise you, that you WILL be proven wrong...AT LEAST once. And in doing so you will make a great friend, or even just have a happier plane ride. We all have something to offer this world. Allow yourself to see some body's light shine for you, and allow them to see yours.
Remember we weren't put on this earth to be unhappy, there are good people in the world but sometimes we let appearances build up a wall too high to break down and we miss out.
Just try my challenge:)
We all nod our heads and agree when its said but think about it? Do you really refrain from judging the book by its cover."Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover"
Let's get serious first impressions are just that impressions, the way you look when you first meet someone is an image that is burned into their brain until the next time you see them.
Job Interviews, they are based on appearance, who looks like they care more with the effort they put in.
Dating, guys look for the girl who is done up more and "looks hot" and girls do the same.
First time meeting someone else's parents, the way you look could make or break you, if you have too many tattoos or piercings or your clothes on too tight, they might not even want to hear what you have to say because the vision they have of their child hanging out with you
and the list goes on...
first impressions matter and appearances matter.
But why do we allow those to be the basis of what a person is on the inside? I've known some people who are full bodied in tattoos, with a little on the over the top wardrobe choices, who have many piercings and who have crazy hair. I'd be crazy to say that I didn't have my opinions of the person right of the bat, thinking things like "why would my friend date this guy he is covered in tattoos?" or "why does she wear clothes like that doesn't she know what people are saying about her?" or "why does he always act arrogant?" and like I said before....the list goes on.
One thing I am happy to say that I have done is that I have given these people a shot. If there is one thing I'm good at it is talking with people. I love talking with people and hearing their stories and getting to know them on a personal level. I've met some really great people that way. Looking past the outward appearances that they hold in society they are completely opposite of what I pinned them to be.
People who are so kind and giving and generous. People who can't catch a break because they like to wear their clothes a certain way or to mark their body up with tattoos. Those things don't define a person. And yes, maybe their choices on what they choose to do to their bodies and wear on their bodies might not be what you want to do with yours but that doesn't make it wrong. Every person on this earth is given the power of free will. Because a girl has bleach blond hair doesn't make her easy or stupid. And just because she is trying to portray that image of herself, she could just be putting up an act and is trying to heal her broken heart in the wrong way. You don't really know someones background or even someones present until you give them a chance.
All I can say and stand for are the experiences that I have had and the friendships I've built and the neat people I've come across that I probably never thought I would "associate" myself with...those people who truly have great things to offer the world and are more like you than you think. If we are all created equal don't you think we all deserve the right...no matter if you are black, white, female, male, gay, straight, quiet or loud to at least have a chance? A chance to get to be known by others by who we really are? We shouldn't have to be shunned against for being different, because if you are different than others it doesn't make you wrong. Every one is entitled to their own beliefs and guess what? In the real world here and now you will not get every person to be on the exact same page, religion, race, gender and so many other things.
I believe in God, I am a catholic, I am a female, I am straight, I am brunette, I am white, I am in my 20's, I am conservative, I am a college student, I am an outgoing person, I am human.
Yes I do believe in God, I do have what I believe is a strong faith and a relationship with Him, I understand that people don't view Him in the way that I do or even if they believe in Him at all. I would be lying to you if I said I could care less if people didn't know Him and have a relationship with Him, I would love for everyone to believe in God and Jesus Christ. I understand better now that I can only live my life. And hope that by living my life might inspire someone to believe in the greatness of the Lord that I believe in. I don't want to push my beliefs on someone that could turn them away, I have had friends who don't believe in anything, and they are great people and I pray that they find the Lord but I don't preach to them about why they should.
I believe we all have choices, we are given that right just by being on this planet, we all can make our own choices. You can choose to believe in what you want, wear what you want and be who you want to be and I really think we shouldn't be judged by that in the harsh way that we do.
Like I said I'd be lying if I didn't have thoughts going through my head on a first impression by the way someone talks or how they dress, but what I do and what I challenge all of you to do is to just TRY, TRY to give them a break, a chance, some time to actually get to know what is under the outward appearance.
I promise you, that you WILL be proven wrong...AT LEAST once. And in doing so you will make a great friend, or even just have a happier plane ride. We all have something to offer this world. Allow yourself to see some body's light shine for you, and allow them to see yours.
Remember we weren't put on this earth to be unhappy, there are good people in the world but sometimes we let appearances build up a wall too high to break down and we miss out.
Just try my challenge:)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Kindness Matters.
The smallest things make up all the difference.
Anyone who tries to tell you differently must really have life all screwed up.
There have been many instances in my life where kindness has mattered and has really either changed my life, or changed my day...either way just as important.
Holding the door open for someone, telling someone you like their hair, shoes, outfit, etc., Listening when someone has something to say, just taking the time out of your day to do something for someone else.
You never know the impact you can make on this world, something that may seem so small to you can make the biggest difference to someone else...
My most recent example:
Bethany Joy Galeotti
Those of you who don't know her as Bethany Joy Galeotti, you may know her as Haley on One Tree Hill the amazing show that is airing its 9th and final season this January. Those of you who know me, know how big of an addict of One Tree Hill that I am, if I'm not tweeting about it, I'm facebooking about it,
if i'm not facebooking about it I'm talking about it...honestly this show has really impacted my life. I have watched the character of Haley for 8 seasons, and loved her character, and it wasn't until I got a twitter that I actually started following her and finding out more about who Bethany is away from Haley, and what I found is that she is a kind person, a giving person and a person who appreciates life. I am a confessed addict/obsessed OTH fan, its not a secret, and poor Bethany has been directly mentioned by me at least a dozen times...but one time something I said stuck out to her, and it was crazy because it was something she did that stuck out to me. I was talking to one of my cousins and I was telling her I had so many emotions I just wanted to get out and she said, "hey maybe you should start a blog" and I thought about it, but then I thought it would't be worth it and what I had to say didn't matter...then when reading Bethany's tweet about her blog I followed the link, I saw all the great things she did and how she reached out to more people...and with her celebrity she obviously can reach more people, but what she said inspired me, inspired me so much you are actually able to read this blog, get into my thoughts and heart. You can hear what I have to offer this world just because she inspired me. After a few of my blog entries I thought it was necessary to directly tweet Bethany yet another time, but this time to let her know that what she said matters, her actions mattered. Because she may be a celebrity and I may hold her high in my eyes, but you also hear a lot about the inconsiderate people in the television and movie industry who don't care about their fans or what people have to say. Now maybe she will never even read this entry, but because of her there is this entry, KINDNESS MATTERS...she was so kind to make my day and RETWEET my tweet to her. I showed up on her home page so all of her viewers can see I copied and pasted below:)
kodes5 kody marques
:) To describe the happiness I felt in that exact moment would make you laugh out loud, lets just say there was a lot of screaming of excitement, hands waving in the air, followed by half a dozen phone calls and a facebook status update...and the excitement is still here.
I can't say that she read my blog, I'd like to think that she did, I believe she did think that my words matter. She thought so enough she shared with all of her followers the link to my blog, before she RTed me on twitter I had about 50 views on my blog, now I have 900! I've had two people leave me comments that have truly made my heart melt and the kindness they showed by taking the time to let me know that my words mattered to them meant so much!
Because of her kindness I'm INSPIRED even more to continue writing on this blog, for all of you.
Just know that the smallest thing can make all the difference, if I could get the chance to actually let Bethany know how much her seemingly small act of kindness did for me I'd be truly honored.
Remember...Kindness matters!
Anyone who tries to tell you differently must really have life all screwed up.
There have been many instances in my life where kindness has mattered and has really either changed my life, or changed my day...either way just as important.
Holding the door open for someone, telling someone you like their hair, shoes, outfit, etc., Listening when someone has something to say, just taking the time out of your day to do something for someone else.
You never know the impact you can make on this world, something that may seem so small to you can make the biggest difference to someone else...
My most recent example:
Bethany Joy Galeotti
Those of you who don't know her as Bethany Joy Galeotti, you may know her as Haley on One Tree Hill the amazing show that is airing its 9th and final season this January. Those of you who know me, know how big of an addict of One Tree Hill that I am, if I'm not tweeting about it, I'm facebooking about it,
if i'm not facebooking about it I'm talking about it...honestly this show has really impacted my life. I have watched the character of Haley for 8 seasons, and loved her character, and it wasn't until I got a twitter that I actually started following her and finding out more about who Bethany is away from Haley, and what I found is that she is a kind person, a giving person and a person who appreciates life. I am a confessed addict/obsessed OTH fan, its not a secret, and poor Bethany has been directly mentioned by me at least a dozen times...but one time something I said stuck out to her, and it was crazy because it was something she did that stuck out to me. I was talking to one of my cousins and I was telling her I had so many emotions I just wanted to get out and she said, "hey maybe you should start a blog" and I thought about it, but then I thought it would't be worth it and what I had to say didn't matter...then when reading Bethany's tweet about her blog I followed the link, I saw all the great things she did and how she reached out to more people...and with her celebrity she obviously can reach more people, but what she said inspired me, inspired me so much you are actually able to read this blog, get into my thoughts and heart. You can hear what I have to offer this world just because she inspired me. After a few of my blog entries I thought it was necessary to directly tweet Bethany yet another time, but this time to let her know that what she said matters, her actions mattered. Because she may be a celebrity and I may hold her high in my eyes, but you also hear a lot about the inconsiderate people in the television and movie industry who don't care about their fans or what people have to say. Now maybe she will never even read this entry, but because of her there is this entry, KINDNESS MATTERS...she was so kind to make my day and RETWEET my tweet to her. I showed up on her home page so all of her viewers can see I copied and pasted below:)
kodes5 kody marques
by BethanyGaleotti
@BethanyGaleotti I love your blog...it inspired me to write my own...inspired20something.blogspot.com/?spref=tw
I can't say that she read my blog, I'd like to think that she did, I believe she did think that my words matter. She thought so enough she shared with all of her followers the link to my blog, before she RTed me on twitter I had about 50 views on my blog, now I have 900! I've had two people leave me comments that have truly made my heart melt and the kindness they showed by taking the time to let me know that my words mattered to them meant so much!
Because of her kindness I'm INSPIRED even more to continue writing on this blog, for all of you.
Just know that the smallest thing can make all the difference, if I could get the chance to actually let Bethany know how much her seemingly small act of kindness did for me I'd be truly honored.
Remember...Kindness matters!
"Coming Home" by Gwyneth Paltrow
has been stuck in my head all week long.
Moving away from home was the biggest challenge I've had yet to go through, and its only the beginning. I decided in January to apply to transfer to a college last minute, and then in Feb got accepted and decided that was the place for me!
I am so excited to start this new journey in my life...I couldn't be in a more ready place to begin! I am 21 years old and ready to gain some independence!
I am from a really small town called Hilmar, now most of you have probably NEVER heard of it...but that is okay because when I hear the word Hilmar the first word that comes to mind is HOME
You may think of this as pathetic to think that a 21 year old being away from home for a little over a month was homesick. But that is just because you might not understand what it is like.
Back at home I live with my parents, and used to live with my two sisters until they got married and made the cutest little boys on earth (so far...I'm sure there are more cute little additions that will be coming from my sisters someday again:) We don't live in a big house, my parents are teachers in CA and well, if you know anything about CA teachers its not like they get paid the big bucks, but that never mattered to them.
I found inspiration in the fact that my parents decided to raise their family in the small town of Hilmar, where they decided to teach and coach and volunteer most of their time. I learned from them that having a lot of money is not necessary to be happy, we are blessed to have the income that my parents make, but we aren't exactly rolling in the dough.
My parents could have easily raised us in the town over which has 3 high schools, but in our town, there is one high school, one middle school and two elementary schools...and the only reason why there is two elementary schools is because there is a small town right next door which is in our district. But I am blessed to have grown up from Kindergarten throughout Senior year with the same people. We were lucky to have more additions come along to our school and they became friends of mine and friends of friends of mine.
I was one of those people who took after their parents in the fact that they are involved in everything they can be, when you are in a town like Hilmar it is truly a community, its not a town, its a community, you could even say its a family.
My cousin who I live with in college and I decided to come back down to the valley to surprise her brother (my cousin) at his 21st birthday party...and the feeling I got when I saw home is unexplainable...the feeling I got when I hugged my mom, dad, sisters, nephews, and other family members was incredible...words can't even describe it.
Back to the reason for the blog the song "Coming Home"
The lyrics to this song are...
It's a four letter wordA place you go to heal your hurt
It's an altar, it's a shelter
One place you're always welcome
A pink flamingo, double wide
One bedroom in a high rise
A mansion on a hill
Where the memories always will
keep you company whenever you're alone
After all of my running
I'm finally coming
HOME - the world tried to break me
I found a world to take me
HOME - there ain't nothing but a blue sky now
After all of my running,
I'm finally coming...home
Well they say it's where the heart is
And i guess the hardest part is
when your heart is broken
and you're lost out in the great wide open
Looking for a map
For finding your way back
To where you belong
Oh well that's where I belong
HOME - the world tried to break me
I found a world to take me
HOME - there ain't nothing but a blue sky now
After all of my running
I'm finally coming...home
HOME - the world tried to break me
I found a world to take me
HOME - there ain't nothing but a blue sky now
After all of my running, I'm finally coming...
After all of my running
I'm finally coming...home
Home is a place your always welcome.
Nothing beats home.
I'm so blessed to have a place where I can call home and where I know I'm loved and have a place in this world.
Lets face it, this world gets messy, this world can tear you apart in a blink of an eye.
My heart breaks for those people who don't have a home, those children, teenagers, young adults, who don't have a home and have no place to go where they feel welcome. I wish everyone could have a place to call home, I wish there was something I could do about it.
So to all of you out there that feel like they have no where to go, I'm truly sorry.
And to all of you who are fortunate enough like to me to have a loving family, community or friendship that makes you feel at home, don't take it for granted, because after all...there is no place like home:)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Season 2 OTH Quotes that Meant Something...at least to me.
One Tree Hill is my favorite TV show. One thing I love about One Tree Hill is I relate it to my life...and yes, there are some (most) of the times when the story lines are far fetched and things seem very make believe, but a lot of the topics they bring up are real. Friendship, Love, Lies, Heartbreak, Cheating, Winning, Losing, the list goes on and on about all the real life things that the show deals with. I've been watching the seasons again, probably for at least the 10th time now, and it seems like every time I do, my perspective on what is going on changes. The character I identify with myself the most, the story line that seems to have happened right out of my story. And I laugh when I use lines I forgot about but actually used in real life.
After just finishing Season 2 I had some quotes that really spoke to me, and I thought I'd share...but stay with me...there are quite a few quotes and reasons why they mean something to me personally.
Lets start off with this quote:
Hansel said to Gretel, 'Let us drop these breadcrumbs so that together we find our way home, because losing our way would be the most cruel of things.' This year, I lost my way, and losing your way on a journey is unfortunate, but losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel. The journey lasted eight months. Sometimes I traveled alone; sometimes there were others who took the wheel...and took my heart. But when the destination was reached, it wasn't me who arrived...it wasn't me at all. And once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely. Because sometimes you have to step outside of the person you've been and remember the person you were meant to be -- the person you wanted to be -- the person you are."
Let me break it down for all of you out there...
Hansel said to Gretel, 'Let us drop these breadcrumbs so that together we find our way home, because losing our way would be the most cruel of things.' This year, I lost my way, and losing your way on a journey is unfortunate, but losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel.
This year I did lose my way, in January I finally started to realize that. I lost my way on my journey, and
The journey lasted eight months. Sometimes I traveled alone; sometimes there were others who took the wheel...and took my heart
It has been a journey the last eight months for me, literally. I traveled alone sometimes, because I had to, because I knew I needed to find my way back, but lucky me had others who helped me along the way. The others who were the ones in the early months helping me put on my make-up and taking me out of the house. People who texted or called and made sure I was okay. There were some people who did take my heart, take my heart to places I never could have imagined it to go, and in One Tree Hill they were meaning took the heart in a good way. Mine was taken in the opposite, mine was taken to a place I would never dreamed of, to a place of heartache and sorrow and pain.
But when the destination was reached, it wasn't me who arrived...it wasn't me at all.
It has been 8 months, I made a move for myself along my journey, a move to college, and once I got here I realized it wasn't me at all... I had a whole new perspective on life and love. I realized that I was lost, in the 8 month journey I had, I realized that I wasn't who I pictured myself to be at this point in my life.
And once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely. Because sometimes you have to step outside of the person you've been and remember the person you were meant to be -- the person you wanted to be -- the person you are."
I lost myself, the person I used to be prior to my 8 month journey, wasn't a person I was proud of. I was a person who didn't speak up for myself, who trusted so fully with wool pulled over my eyes, I was taken advantage of and my kindess was used against me. I was weak and vunerable and I didn't even realize it at the time. I'm glad I lost that self. I don't want to go back to that self. I am going to step outside of the person I've been and remember the person I was meant to be. I know prior to my break up I was someone that the closest people to me knew had changed...in the not so good way. But hearing people now tell me how proud they are to see how far I've come, to see how happy I am...it really makes me feel good. It makes me realize the person that I want to be is the person that I am. I did get lost...very lost, and after these 8 months I've realized I'm meant to be great, and I'm meant to deserve the best.
...more quotes!
After just finishing Season 2 I had some quotes that really spoke to me, and I thought I'd share...but stay with me...there are quite a few quotes and reasons why they mean something to me personally.
Lets start off with this quote:
Hansel said to Gretel, 'Let us drop these breadcrumbs so that together we find our way home, because losing our way would be the most cruel of things.' This year, I lost my way, and losing your way on a journey is unfortunate, but losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel. The journey lasted eight months. Sometimes I traveled alone; sometimes there were others who took the wheel...and took my heart. But when the destination was reached, it wasn't me who arrived...it wasn't me at all. And once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely. Because sometimes you have to step outside of the person you've been and remember the person you were meant to be -- the person you wanted to be -- the person you are."
Let me break it down for all of you out there...
Hansel said to Gretel, 'Let us drop these breadcrumbs so that together we find our way home, because losing our way would be the most cruel of things.' This year, I lost my way, and losing your way on a journey is unfortunate, but losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel.
This year I did lose my way, in January I finally started to realize that. I lost my way on my journey, and
The journey lasted eight months. Sometimes I traveled alone; sometimes there were others who took the wheel...and took my heart
It has been a journey the last eight months for me, literally. I traveled alone sometimes, because I had to, because I knew I needed to find my way back, but lucky me had others who helped me along the way. The others who were the ones in the early months helping me put on my make-up and taking me out of the house. People who texted or called and made sure I was okay. There were some people who did take my heart, take my heart to places I never could have imagined it to go, and in One Tree Hill they were meaning took the heart in a good way. Mine was taken in the opposite, mine was taken to a place I would never dreamed of, to a place of heartache and sorrow and pain.
But when the destination was reached, it wasn't me who arrived...it wasn't me at all.
It has been 8 months, I made a move for myself along my journey, a move to college, and once I got here I realized it wasn't me at all... I had a whole new perspective on life and love. I realized that I was lost, in the 8 month journey I had, I realized that I wasn't who I pictured myself to be at this point in my life.
And once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely. Because sometimes you have to step outside of the person you've been and remember the person you were meant to be -- the person you wanted to be -- the person you are."
I lost myself, the person I used to be prior to my 8 month journey, wasn't a person I was proud of. I was a person who didn't speak up for myself, who trusted so fully with wool pulled over my eyes, I was taken advantage of and my kindess was used against me. I was weak and vunerable and I didn't even realize it at the time. I'm glad I lost that self. I don't want to go back to that self. I am going to step outside of the person I've been and remember the person I was meant to be. I know prior to my break up I was someone that the closest people to me knew had changed...in the not so good way. But hearing people now tell me how proud they are to see how far I've come, to see how happy I am...it really makes me feel good. It makes me realize the person that I want to be is the person that I am. I did get lost...very lost, and after these 8 months I've realized I'm meant to be great, and I'm meant to deserve the best.
...more quotes!
'Cause you know what? Tragedies happen. What are you gonna do, give up? Quit? No, I realize now that when your heart breaks, you got to fight like hell to make sure your still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That's life. The confusion and fear? That's there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for
I never knew what it was like to relate to someone who had a broken heart, I thought it would suck, but I never imagined, and don't think I could have imagined the true pain it is that you feel. But like Nathan says in this quote...you've gotta fight like hell to make sure you are still alive. My world didn't end when my heart broke, it might have felt like it for awhile but its life and like the quote said, its there to remind me that somewhere out there is something better, and that is something worth fighting for. Maybe that something is here with me in my new college town, maybe it won't be until I get a career, not really sure where God's plan has mapped out for me to be, but knowing that God has something better in store, that is what is worth fighting for. Worth making me feel like I'm heading toward a better happier Kody, and to me, that is definitely worth fighting for!
This next quote was said by Brooke, she was doing a time capsule piece on what she had to say to Tree Hill High students 50 years from today...
Somebody tell me you've got love figured out, because I got news for you; it's pretty darn messy right now. But I guess it's always been that way. Wanting to be loved, to find somebody that makes your heart ache in a good way.. feel understood. So... if you're robots, or aliens, or something and you're watching this right now and that feeling no longer exists; well... you missed it... and I feel sorry for you. 'Cause as far as I can tell, that's what it's all about. And that's what I know it should be about.
Love is messy, as far as I have known, but the love that Brooke is talking about, well I can't say that I've truly had it. But I know that it is what it's all about. Realizing this, it makes it easier for me to remember why my heart was broken, and why I've had boyfriends gone wrong, because I know they are all leading me to the place where my heart can finally ache in a good way, and I don't want to miss that chance. The chance to have the love I witness in my parents, and sisters with their husbands, the love that you watch play out on tv but when you see it reality it makes it that much better. Because I might have had that broken heart, but I'm not bitter about love. I believe in love, and I believe love finds you when God wants it to find you. Until then I'll just love my family and friends and God especially, because if I have learned one thing, God has better plans for me than I could make up for myself!
Lucas said a speech at Nathan and Haley's wedding reception party...here it is.
Love is messy, as far as I have known, but the love that Brooke is talking about, well I can't say that I've truly had it. But I know that it is what it's all about. Realizing this, it makes it easier for me to remember why my heart was broken, and why I've had boyfriends gone wrong, because I know they are all leading me to the place where my heart can finally ache in a good way, and I don't want to miss that chance. The chance to have the love I witness in my parents, and sisters with their husbands, the love that you watch play out on tv but when you see it reality it makes it that much better. Because I might have had that broken heart, but I'm not bitter about love. I believe in love, and I believe love finds you when God wants it to find you. Until then I'll just love my family and friends and God especially, because if I have learned one thing, God has better plans for me than I could make up for myself!
Lucas said a speech at Nathan and Haley's wedding reception party...here it is.
Lucas: Yeah. You see, then a funny thing happened; Haley. She showed me that you can find the good in everybody, if you just give them a chance. The benefit of the doubt. Sometimes, people disappoint you. Sometimes they surprise you. But you never really get to know them ... until you listen for what's in their hearts and that's what Haley did with Nathan. That's what we should do for them. So for you skeptics out there, prepare to be surprised. So this is to my ... brother and my little sis in-law, and in love.
This quote speaks for itself.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Anger turning into happiness
Grudges. What is really the point? It seems to me if you are holding a grudge you are bitter, and if you are bitter your holding back happiness. Happiness to me is the feeling you get when you stop the grudge, stop the bittnerness and fnally realize that all that anger and hate that you felt in your heart is gone forever.
God gives us people in our lives that will challenge us. He sets us up to go through trials, tests and heartbreaks. He doesn't do this to make us suffer but He does this to make us grow. Make us grow in our faith and trust in Him and His plan.
Finally letting the past go is a huge weight off your shoulders...you don't have to automatically wear a frown when the person enters the room. You can enjoy yourself and realize that it is a good thing that the person who caused you to be so upset isn't in your life anymore in the roll they used to be.
Why do we allow ourselves to see the negatives in everything?
Why do we allow ourseleves to let these people make us not believe in the goodness of people?
Goodness is in every person. Every person has something to offer the world. I think sometimes they get so caught up in the bad things they've been up to they think there is no way out...if anything it just makes me sad. Sad that people have such little faith, I can't imagine going through life expecting bad things to happen all the time, seeing the only grey and black and forgetting about the white. Negatives in life are draining...why allow yourself to think there. Being positive and looking at the bright side of things can actually help.
I want to be able to live a life where I can live happily without hate in my heart. I've been betrayed, bullied, mislead, backstabbed, brokenhearted, cheated on, and the list goes on...but I have looked past it all...realized that every happening was a part of God's plan, a purpose, a lesson. It's not up to me to make the other person's life miserable, to drag their name through the mud. God says He will take care of us and we should be kind to our enemies, He even tells us to give them water if they are thirsty.
Give your enemies water if they need it, don't forgive so blindly you allow yourself to get hurt again and again, you can forgive someone without letting them back in your life.
Because sadly in this world there are manipulating people who will try to take your kindess and mistreat it and use it against you. Be strong in your decisions and realize that you are a better, stronger, happier person for all the things you went through.
The people who can't forgive and who dwell seem to be those negative people who make it unhappy to be around them. They are down in the dumps and try to drag you down with them. You posion the people around you.
We weren't put here to be miserable! We were put here to serve a purpose, sometimes we tend to stray off the path, then later realzing we didn't stray, and it was all part of the plan.
Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. Its life. Take the bad with the good the happy with the sad and grow from it.
Be happy with your life...anger isn't attractive, bitterness isn't attractive.
I know it may seem silly that the motivation for this entry was written because of the ABC show the Bachelor Pad, there is a girl on there who is clearly moved on to a "happy perfect" relationship and she's in the house with her ex fiance and cant't get over it and talks badly about him all the time and make it awkward for everyone else.
Its okay to vent, its okay to be down in the dumps, but there comes a point in time when you just really need to move on, because centering youwhole life around making that other person suffer is still making your life about the other person and it in turn makes you unhappy. If they didn't make you happy when you were together, or around them, you should take it as a blessing to become happy and stop obsessing over making sure they are suffering and not succeeding.
Be kind to one and other. You don't have to be everyone's best friend, its unrealistic to think so. But kindness is contagious, just like smiling. Be happy. Be thankful.
You are an amazing person, you have something great to offer this world, if you have any hate built up in your heart, maybe today is the day to get rid of it and move on with your life. You don't have to tell the person you have forgiven them, you can write it in a journal, say it to God, keep it to yourself, or even blog about it...just do it. However you feel, just don't be angry anymore.
God gives us people in our lives that will challenge us. He sets us up to go through trials, tests and heartbreaks. He doesn't do this to make us suffer but He does this to make us grow. Make us grow in our faith and trust in Him and His plan.
Finally letting the past go is a huge weight off your shoulders...you don't have to automatically wear a frown when the person enters the room. You can enjoy yourself and realize that it is a good thing that the person who caused you to be so upset isn't in your life anymore in the roll they used to be.
Why do we allow ourselves to see the negatives in everything?
Why do we allow ourseleves to let these people make us not believe in the goodness of people?
Goodness is in every person. Every person has something to offer the world. I think sometimes they get so caught up in the bad things they've been up to they think there is no way out...if anything it just makes me sad. Sad that people have such little faith, I can't imagine going through life expecting bad things to happen all the time, seeing the only grey and black and forgetting about the white. Negatives in life are draining...why allow yourself to think there. Being positive and looking at the bright side of things can actually help.
I want to be able to live a life where I can live happily without hate in my heart. I've been betrayed, bullied, mislead, backstabbed, brokenhearted, cheated on, and the list goes on...but I have looked past it all...realized that every happening was a part of God's plan, a purpose, a lesson. It's not up to me to make the other person's life miserable, to drag their name through the mud. God says He will take care of us and we should be kind to our enemies, He even tells us to give them water if they are thirsty.
Give your enemies water if they need it, don't forgive so blindly you allow yourself to get hurt again and again, you can forgive someone without letting them back in your life.
Because sadly in this world there are manipulating people who will try to take your kindess and mistreat it and use it against you. Be strong in your decisions and realize that you are a better, stronger, happier person for all the things you went through.
The people who can't forgive and who dwell seem to be those negative people who make it unhappy to be around them. They are down in the dumps and try to drag you down with them. You posion the people around you.
We weren't put here to be miserable! We were put here to serve a purpose, sometimes we tend to stray off the path, then later realzing we didn't stray, and it was all part of the plan.
Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. Its life. Take the bad with the good the happy with the sad and grow from it.
Be happy with your life...anger isn't attractive, bitterness isn't attractive.
I know it may seem silly that the motivation for this entry was written because of the ABC show the Bachelor Pad, there is a girl on there who is clearly moved on to a "happy perfect" relationship and she's in the house with her ex fiance and cant't get over it and talks badly about him all the time and make it awkward for everyone else.
Its okay to vent, its okay to be down in the dumps, but there comes a point in time when you just really need to move on, because centering youwhole life around making that other person suffer is still making your life about the other person and it in turn makes you unhappy. If they didn't make you happy when you were together, or around them, you should take it as a blessing to become happy and stop obsessing over making sure they are suffering and not succeeding.
Be kind to one and other. You don't have to be everyone's best friend, its unrealistic to think so. But kindness is contagious, just like smiling. Be happy. Be thankful.
You are an amazing person, you have something great to offer this world, if you have any hate built up in your heart, maybe today is the day to get rid of it and move on with your life. You don't have to tell the person you have forgiven them, you can write it in a journal, say it to God, keep it to yourself, or even blog about it...just do it. However you feel, just don't be angry anymore.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Soundtrack of Kody
If I could make the perfect soundtrack to fit my life these past couple months, this is how it would go...
1. Here For A Good Time- George Strait
"I'm not gonna lay around and whine and moan cause somebody done done me wrong, don't think for a minute that I'm gonna sit around and sing some old sad song, I believe its a half full not half empty glass, I wake up every morning knowing it might be my last"
-This song is exactly how I'm viewing life right now, I got my heart broke and kept finding out bad thing after bad thing, but letting it bring me down is not an option, I'm here for a good time:)
2.When Its My Time-Rodney Atkins
"When its my time to go at the end the road I hope it looks like this 200 cars stretched out as far as the hearts I touched while I live, and I hope I leave half as much love behind, when its my time"
This summer someone I loved about very much passed away, Franky. And its still hard to believe he is gone, but the incredible thing about him, is that he touched SO many lives at his memorial service he packed the whole home side of the bleachers at the High School Stadium, he had people along the the track and on the field...he was such a rare person. The kind of person who truly does in 25 years what some people can't accomplish in 50 years or longer. We sat and heard story after story of the type of person he was. I'm inspired to live a life like Franky, one filled with love and making sure everyone that I love can feel it and know it even after I'm gone..

3.Don't Forget To Remember Me - Carrie Underwood
"I still feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be, but don't forget to remember me"
I just moved out of my house, and moved away for school. I know this is where I need to be, but I miss my family so much and I want them to know that even though I'm miles away I still love them, and want them to remember me:)

4.On My Highway- Jason Aldean
"What a feelin out on the run, drinkin up the rain, soaking up the sun, laughing a little more with every mile, what a freedom, like a sail in the wind, not looking back, not forgetting where I've been smiling as I watch the years roll by, I'm learning how to take it day by day on my highway"
-I've been on one crazy ride this year and these past couple months especially, and I am laughing more every day on my journey and smiling:) And the lyric that I picked word for word is just perfectly describing me:)
5.Ready to Love Again-Lady Antebellum
"Yeah I'm ready to feel now, no longer am I afraid of the fall down, it must be time to move on now, without the fear of how it might end, I guess I'm ready to love again"
-I'm not going to keep my walls up, but I'm not going to search for it either, I'm ready to open up and not be so guarded:)
6.Today is Your Day-Shania Twain
"Life's gonna kick you around, and then kick you again whn your down, but today is your day and nothing can stand in your way"
-I'm on the job hunt and before every interview I listen to this song!
7. Stitch by Stitch-Javier Colon
"I give you all my pieces broken, in Your hands there is nothing you can't fix"
I know this song was meant to be about finding someone to love who heals you, but this is my song to God, He healed me!
...more to come later
Saturday, August 13, 2011
20 Questions with Jennifer Taylor
I know a girl who is beautiful, smart, caring and a great person to know. You won't find her on TV, hear her song on the radio or see her face on a tabloid, she's an extraordinary young adult who is just like you and me. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and because of that she was willing to do this twenty questions with me to share with all of you...
1.What is the one word you would use to describe yourself?Happy
2.Who inspires you? My dad
3.Tell me five of your favorite things. Bowl of Mocha Almond Fudge Ice Cream, Fruit Smoothies, The Perfect Hair Day, Being Woken up by the Sunshine, Naps
4.Where would be the top three places you'd visit?Rome, Austrilla, Bora Bora
5.What character in a movie, tv show or book do you relate the most to?Brittany Snow's character in John Tucker Must Die because even if I know something is wrong I will most likely go along with it.
6.What do you do when you have a bad day? Think about how fortunate I am to think about all oppertunities that I have.
7.What is your favorite scent?Orange Saphire from Bath and Body Works
8.Name one thing you do every day. Eat.
9.You can have any super power, what would it be? Being Invisible so I can listen in on peoples conversations
10.The perfect guy for you in a nutshell? A caring, sweet, considerate person.
11.Most scary thing you've ever done? Moving 13 hours away from home.
12.Your biggest pet peeve?People saying they will do something and then they don't
13.Easiest way to make you smile?For you to smile at me.
14.You have one hour in any store to get everything you want for free...what store would it be?Buffalo Exchange
15.Favorite scene in a movie?The scene in The Notebook they are teenagers about to have sex for the first time.
16.What is one thing you couldn't get paid enough to eat?Puffer Fish
17.Would you rather live near the ocean or a lake?Ocean because I like the noise of the ocean
18.The first thing you think about when you wake up?What I'm going to do that day
19.The perfect concert would have what 3 artists playing?Clay Walker, Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert
20.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?Starting my career as a nurse and hopefully married or soon to be married.
Simple Things In Life...♥
Dream Houses, Dream Weddings, Dream Cars, Dream Jobs, Dream Guy, Dream Girl, Dream Room
These are all things that we can dream about. Things that are fun to think about and hope for one day. But through all these dreams that we dream, I think we get lost in something really important...something so special that we take for granted every day...
The Simple Things In Life.
Why is it that we focus on the things that we don't have, or we focus on the things that drive us crazy...in a bad way? Why is it that we tend to look past the things in our lives that make life great?
I am sitting here thinking about all the wonderful things that happen in my life, the simple things. The things that make me smile. The things that make me laugh. The things that make me just feel good.
I created a list, now obviously if you sat down and created a list of the simple things in your life, we wouldn't match each other thought for thought, but I bet my list is a little like yours. And my list won't even amount to all the simple things in life that I find to be great. Because to me the simple things, are the littlest things...I'll let my list explain...
The smell of the ground after the first rain
Getting a hug from someone you care about
Your favorite song coming on the radio as soon as you turn on your car
A stranger holding the door open for you
A child's laugh
Getting an unexpected call from someone you've been thinking about
A good laugh
Having someone compliment you
Complimenting someone else
Reading a story, verse, quote that directly relates to your life at the very moment
Really good service at a resturant
Reruns of your favorite show playing on TV
Playing a board game
Watching little kids figure out something, how to laugh, crawl, talk, walk, etc.
A really nice text message, email or facebook post written directly to you
Seeing someone you haven't seen in years
Food in the fridge
Getting a handwritten letter in your mailbox
Being kissed by someone special
Waking up 20 minutes early and getting a little bit of extra sleep in the morning
Running Water
Cool breeze when its so hot outside
Listening to a powerful message at church
Coming home to a clean house
Talking to your parents
Having a best friend who is always there
Working out so hard that your whole body aches in a good way
Realizing why something didn't work out
Good news on TV
Being able to hear
Watching a really close game
Coming back home when you've been away for a while
Driving with the windows down on a nice day
Looking back at old pictures
Having a good hair day
A clear face free from acne
Finding the perfect pair of jeans
Being told you matter
Seeing the sunset
Breathing in mountain air
Drinking a milkshake
Smelling fresh baked goods
Your favorite movie is on sale
Being told you are loved
Looking at the stars in the sky
Feeling happy
Meeting someone positive
Trying something new and loving it
Smell of fresh cut grass
Remembering a deadline 24 hours in advance
Getting butterflies
Having your toes painted
Pandora playing a station that matches your mood
Having a good cup of coffee
Spending time with your grandparents
Being able to read
Sleeping in a comfy bed
Feeling safe
Taking a road trip
Going to an amazing concert
Finding out someone you care about is getting married or is pregnant
Breaking soon enough so you avoid an accident
Having your legs feel smooth just after shaving them
Smell of freshly cleaned laundry
Clear blue skies
Being told your beautiful
Eating Ice Cream
Getting someone else to smile or laugh
Good smelling candles
Figuring out a math problem you've been having trouble solving
Dancing for no reason
Hearing a good clean joke
Being able to walk
Turning someones day around
Finding a stick of gum in your purse
Having the DJ play your favorite song
Seeing a field full of wildflowers
Being surprised at work
Full tank of gas
High Five from someone
The feeling in your mouth of freshness after brushing your teeth
Just enough toliet paper left in the bathroom
The sound of birds chirping
Getting asked how your day is going
Watching the waves crash onto the shore
Seeing a dog chase his tail
Reading a child a story
A shirt you loved, that is on sale and in your size
Eating breakfast, lunch and dinner
Finding money in your jeans
Feeling motivated to go for a run
Coupons in the mail for the items you buy the most
Hearing a song that moves you to tears
Feeling productive
Remembering to put out the garbage cans right before the garbage man comes
No dishes in the sink to wash
Flowers in the yard
Getting to spend time with a loved one
Being someones sister, friend, aunt, daughter, granddaughter, etc
Trying a new recipe and it actually tasting good
Learning how to do something you never knew how to do
Hearing a cool fact
Seeing old people hold hands
Milk in the fridge when you are wanting it with cookies
Forgetting you had an article of clothing and then finding it right before an event
Living in a place with a roof over your head
Curling up in a blanket
Hitting all the green lights
Being outside
Having the freedom to believe in whatever you want to believe in
Front row parking spot
Watching a story about how someone accomplished a goal against all odds
Winning a game of tic tac toe
Noticing something you've never noticed before at a place you've been many times
Your car starting when you turn it on
Talking to your neighbor
Getting tipped at your job
The feeling you get after a good prayer
...the list goes on...
Maybe your list is completely different, maybe its exactly the same, either way this was written to make you think, think about how wonderful life truly is, because its the small stuff that makes up our lives, that get us through the day...
I hope this has made you a little more thankful
These are all things that we can dream about. Things that are fun to think about and hope for one day. But through all these dreams that we dream, I think we get lost in something really important...something so special that we take for granted every day...
The Simple Things In Life.
Why is it that we focus on the things that we don't have, or we focus on the things that drive us crazy...in a bad way? Why is it that we tend to look past the things in our lives that make life great?
I am sitting here thinking about all the wonderful things that happen in my life, the simple things. The things that make me smile. The things that make me laugh. The things that make me just feel good.
I created a list, now obviously if you sat down and created a list of the simple things in your life, we wouldn't match each other thought for thought, but I bet my list is a little like yours. And my list won't even amount to all the simple things in life that I find to be great. Because to me the simple things, are the littlest things...I'll let my list explain...
The smell of the ground after the first rain
Getting a hug from someone you care about
Your favorite song coming on the radio as soon as you turn on your car
A stranger holding the door open for you
A child's laugh
Getting an unexpected call from someone you've been thinking about
A good laugh
Having someone compliment you
Complimenting someone else
Reading a story, verse, quote that directly relates to your life at the very moment
Really good service at a resturant
Reruns of your favorite show playing on TV
Playing a board game
Watching little kids figure out something, how to laugh, crawl, talk, walk, etc.
A really nice text message, email or facebook post written directly to you
Seeing someone you haven't seen in years
Food in the fridge
Getting a handwritten letter in your mailbox
Being kissed by someone special
Waking up 20 minutes early and getting a little bit of extra sleep in the morning
Running Water
Cool breeze when its so hot outside
Listening to a powerful message at church
Coming home to a clean house
Talking to your parents
Having a best friend who is always there
Working out so hard that your whole body aches in a good way
Realizing why something didn't work out
Good news on TV
Being able to hear
Watching a really close game
Coming back home when you've been away for a while
Driving with the windows down on a nice day
Looking back at old pictures
Having a good hair day
A clear face free from acne
Finding the perfect pair of jeans
Being told you matter
Seeing the sunset
Breathing in mountain air
Drinking a milkshake
Smelling fresh baked goods
Your favorite movie is on sale
Being told you are loved
Looking at the stars in the sky
Feeling happy
Meeting someone positive
Trying something new and loving it
Smell of fresh cut grass
Remembering a deadline 24 hours in advance
Getting butterflies
Having your toes painted
Pandora playing a station that matches your mood
Having a good cup of coffee
Spending time with your grandparents
Being able to read
Sleeping in a comfy bed
Feeling safe
Taking a road trip
Going to an amazing concert
Finding out someone you care about is getting married or is pregnant
Breaking soon enough so you avoid an accident
Having your legs feel smooth just after shaving them
Smell of freshly cleaned laundry
Clear blue skies
Being told your beautiful
Eating Ice Cream
Getting someone else to smile or laugh
Good smelling candles
Figuring out a math problem you've been having trouble solving
Dancing for no reason
Hearing a good clean joke
Being able to walk
Turning someones day around
Finding a stick of gum in your purse
Having the DJ play your favorite song
Seeing a field full of wildflowers
Being surprised at work
Full tank of gas
High Five from someone
The feeling in your mouth of freshness after brushing your teeth
Just enough toliet paper left in the bathroom
The sound of birds chirping
Getting asked how your day is going
Watching the waves crash onto the shore
Seeing a dog chase his tail
Reading a child a story
A shirt you loved, that is on sale and in your size
Eating breakfast, lunch and dinner
Finding money in your jeans
Feeling motivated to go for a run
Coupons in the mail for the items you buy the most
Hearing a song that moves you to tears
Feeling productive
Remembering to put out the garbage cans right before the garbage man comes
No dishes in the sink to wash
Flowers in the yard
Getting to spend time with a loved one
Being someones sister, friend, aunt, daughter, granddaughter, etc
Trying a new recipe and it actually tasting good
Learning how to do something you never knew how to do
Hearing a cool fact
Seeing old people hold hands
Milk in the fridge when you are wanting it with cookies
Forgetting you had an article of clothing and then finding it right before an event
Living in a place with a roof over your head
Curling up in a blanket
Hitting all the green lights
Being outside
Having the freedom to believe in whatever you want to believe in
Front row parking spot
Watching a story about how someone accomplished a goal against all odds
Winning a game of tic tac toe
Noticing something you've never noticed before at a place you've been many times
Your car starting when you turn it on
Talking to your neighbor
Getting tipped at your job
The feeling you get after a good prayer
...the list goes on...
Maybe your list is completely different, maybe its exactly the same, either way this was written to make you think, think about how wonderful life truly is, because its the small stuff that makes up our lives, that get us through the day...
I hope this has made you a little more thankful
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