Friday, August 12, 2011

Good As It Gets

On this day in 2009 my Facebook status was
 "just when I think its as good as it is going to get this crazy life does something to let me know I have't seen anything yet"
and fact remains the same, God is good. God does good. God gives us one crazy ride. And another thing God gives us is a great thing called PERSPECTIVE. When I wrote this status two years ago, I had something completely different in mind when I posted it. And looking at the status today and that line really just makes me feel blessed. In my life God has given me so any reasons to be thankful.
I mean I'm obviously on the quest to get a job, because I need some money to pay for my living expenses and education, and its not from lack of trying, but even through the process of finding a job, I've had the oppertunity to meet some very nice and kind people.
And I'm extremely blessed to have gotten the oppertunity to know the people I have in my life. I've been so lucky to have known  4 grandparents and 5 great grandparents. I have lost precious loved ones along my way, but I'm a better person to have known them. They have shaped my life in so many ways. And I'm not just talking about my grandparents who have passed away, its an uncle, friends, and members of the communtity that I have had the privlidge of knowing and watching their example. I feel it was good to have known them in my life.
And the people I have in my life right now in this moment is a group so big that I'm so blessed to have. God has blessed me wtih two incredible parents, parents that care about me and support me and make me feel so very loved every day. Sisters who I have had the honor of growing up with, who have been more than sisters, but more like best friends. They always are looking out for me which is something I've taken for granted before but just like God does, He showed me that they do it because they care and He cares enough to have people on this earth to surround me and look out for my best intrests, along with my parents. I have brother-in-laws that I can't imagine my life without. They are the big brothers my parents never gave me, so my sisters took it upon themselves to give me good ones:) They have been there for me since I was in middle school, and I feel so blessed to have them in my life. They are good to my sisters and they are good to my nephews. Which are another reason why LIFE HAS GOTTEN SO MUCH BETTER SINCE 2009!! I have my little loves in my world now, DANIEL AND JAXON! My nephews are growing up so fast, and being up in Nevada isn't always easy because I know I am missing them grow up to be bigger and bigger every day, but thank God for skype! I am blessed to currently live with two of my cousins and one comes to temporary live with us from time to time;), and it feels like its been one never ending sleepover! and we've had our share of fights and argument already, but that is what it is like to live with girls! I don't have a huge amount of cousins, but the men, women, boys and girls that the are truly make me feel blessed, I'd do anything for them and be anywhere for them. I have a group of aunts and uncles that I would not trade for anything! They are all so happy and caring and supportive! I know which ever aunt or uncle or combo of aunts and uncles that I'm spending time with I will be having a good time! I have my extended family that I love, and don't get to see as much but it is so good to have them in my life as well! I have a best friend. And I have NO doubt in my mind that God put us in eachother's lives for a very special purpose. She is my "person" and was even my sponsor when I got confirmed into the Catholic Faith. We've stood by each other's side through trial after trial and success after success! I have more friends that I've known for ages, and got connected back together, and I also have friends I have made in college, who I am all so thankful for! There are people I'm so blessed to have back at home in the Hilmar Community that I've got the chance to have in my life, they've been friends and mentors and I'm just so blessed! And all the people I've met along the way that have become my friends and made my world a little happier at some point just by being in it! Through work, friends of friends, or even random happenings I'm so blessed to have all of you in my life, and that you've allowed me to be in yours.
GOD IS GREAT! And my life is GOOD! All thanks to Hm, there are reasons why bad things happen to you, there are reasons why you have hard times in your life, they are supposed to shape you and make you become the person you are, and hopefully make you more grateful for what you do have.
In this life we focus so much on what we don't have. Look around you, I'm sure you have a beautiful life, it might not be the life you have planned but the people surrounding you, the little simple moments in life that make you smile, those are the things that make life beautiful, make life good, and God really has great plans!
I thought two years ago, life was as good as it was going to get, THANK GOD I was wrong, because right now in this current moment, I would not have wanted anything to go any differently, because it has made my relationships with people build and made me notice the great things I do have, but one thing I was right about is this crazy life does something to let me know I haven't seen anything yet. Two years ago, I would not have been able to come close to make up the life I lead today.
I guess the point I'm trying to make, is we make plans, we get caught up in things that don't matter, we think that life is as good as it is going to get, but we are wrong on all accounts. God creates the plans, God doesn't want us to be worrying about things that are out of our control, and God is the number one reason why the best is yet to come, we haven't seen anything yet! We are human, EVERYONE makes mistakes and NOBODY is perfect, and on this earth GOOD things happen, we have to have the right perspective to see them and the open hearts to welcome them! Earth is our temporary home...
And on the day that  we get called, and are standing up at Heaven's gates, and God welcomes us and hugs us, that is as good as it is going to get.

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