Thursday, August 18, 2011

Season 2 OTH Quotes that Meant least to me.

One Tree Hill is my favorite TV show. One thing I love about One Tree Hill is I relate it to my life...and yes, there are some (most) of the times when the story lines are far fetched and things seem very make believe, but a lot of the topics they bring up are real. Friendship, Love, Lies, Heartbreak, Cheating, Winning, Losing, the list goes on and on about all the real life things that the show deals with. I've been watching the seasons again, probably for at least the 10th time now, and it seems like every time I do, my perspective on what is going on changes. The character I identify with myself the most, the story line that seems to have happened right out of my story. And I laugh when I use lines I forgot about but actually used in real life.

After just finishing Season 2 I had some quotes that really spoke to me, and I thought I'd share...but stay with me...there are quite a few quotes and reasons why they mean something to me personally.

Lets start off with this quote:
Hansel said to Gretel, 'Let us drop these breadcrumbs so that together we find our way home, because losing our way would be the most cruel of things.'  This year, I lost my way, and losing your way on a journey is unfortunate, but losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel.  The journey lasted eight months.  Sometimes I traveled alone; sometimes there were others who took the wheel...and took my heart.  But when the destination was reached, it wasn't me who wasn't me at all.  And once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely.  Because sometimes you have to step outside of the person you've been and remember the person you were meant to be -- the person you wanted to be -- the person you are."
Let me break it down for all of you out there...

Hansel said to Gretel, 'Let us drop these breadcrumbs so that together we find our way home, because losing our way would be the most cruel of things.'  This year, I lost my way, and losing your way on a journey is unfortunate, but losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel.

 This year I did lose my way, in January I finally started to realize that. I lost my way on my journey, and

The journey lasted eight months.  Sometimes I traveled alone; sometimes there were others who took the wheel...and took my heart

It has been a journey the last eight months for me, literally. I traveled alone sometimes, because I had to, because I knew I needed to find my way back, but lucky me had others who helped me along the way. The others who were the ones in the early months helping me put on my make-up and taking me out of the house. People who texted or called and made sure I was okay. There were some people who did take my heart, take my heart to places I never could have imagined it to go, and in One Tree Hill they were meaning took the heart in a good way. Mine was taken in the opposite, mine was taken to a place I would never dreamed of, to a place of heartache and sorrow and pain.

But when the destination was reached, it wasn't me who wasn't me at all. 
It has been 8 months, I made a move for myself along my journey, a move to college, and once I got here I realized it wasn't me at all... I had a whole new perspective on life and love. I realized that I was lost, in the 8 month journey I had, I realized that I wasn't who I pictured myself to be at this point in my life.

And once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely.  Because sometimes you have to step outside of the person you've been and remember the person you were meant to be -- the person you wanted to be -- the person you are."

I lost myself, the person I used to be prior to my 8 month journey, wasn't a person I was proud of. I was a person who didn't speak up for myself, who trusted so fully with wool pulled over my eyes, I was taken advantage of and my kindess was used against me. I was weak and vunerable and I didn't even realize it at the time.  I'm glad I lost that self. I don't want to go back to that self. I am going to step outside of the person I've been and remember the person I was meant to be. I know prior to my break up I was someone that the closest people to me knew had the not so good way. But hearing people now tell me how proud they are to see how far I've come, to see how happy I really makes me feel good. It makes me realize the person that I want to be is the person that I am. I did get lost...very lost, and after these 8 months I've realized I'm meant to be great, and I'm meant to deserve the best.

...more quotes!

'Cause you know what? Tragedies happen. What are you gonna do, give up? Quit? No, I realize now that when your heart breaks, you got to fight like hell to make sure your still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That's life. The confusion and fear? That's there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for
I never knew what it was like to relate to someone who had a broken heart, I thought it would suck, but I never imagined, and don't think I could have imagined the true pain it is that you feel. But like Nathan says in this've gotta fight like hell to make sure you are still alive. My world didn't end when my heart broke, it might have felt like it for awhile but its life and like the quote said, its there to remind me that somewhere out there is something better, and that is something worth fighting for. Maybe that something is here with me in my new college town, maybe it won't be until I get a career, not really sure where God's plan has mapped out for me to be, but knowing that God has something better in store, that is what is worth fighting for. Worth making me feel like I'm heading toward a better happier Kody, and to me, that is definitely worth fighting for!
This next quote was said by Brooke, she was doing a time capsule piece on what she had to say to Tree Hill High students 50 years from today...
Somebody tell me you've got love figured out, because I got news for you; it's pretty darn messy right now. But I guess it's always been that way. Wanting to be loved, to find somebody that makes your heart ache in a good way.. feel understood. So... if you're robots, or aliens, or something and you're watching this right now and that feeling no longer exists; well... you missed it... and I feel sorry for you. 'Cause as far as I can tell, that's what it's all about. And that's what I know it should be about.

Love is messy, as far as I have known, but the love that Brooke is talking about, well I can't say that I've truly had it. But I know that it is what it's all about. Realizing this, it makes it easier for me to remember why my heart was broken, and why I've had boyfriends gone wrong, because I know they are all leading me to the place where my heart can finally ache in a good way, and I don't want to miss that chance. The chance to have the love I witness in my parents, and sisters with their husbands, the love that you watch play out on tv but when you see it reality it makes it that much better. Because I might have had that broken heart, but I'm not bitter about love. I believe in love, and I believe love finds you when God wants it to find you. Until then I'll just love my family and friends and God especially, because if I have learned one thing, God has better plans for me than I could make up for myself!

Lucas said a speech at Nathan and Haley's wedding reception it is.
Lucas: Yeah. You see, then a funny thing happened; Haley. She showed me that you can find the good in everybody, if you just give them a chance. The benefit of the doubt. Sometimes, people disappoint you. Sometimes they surprise you. But you never really get to know them ... until you listen for what's in their hearts and that's what Haley did with Nathan. That's what we should do for them. So for you skeptics out there, prepare to be surprised. So this is to my ... brother and my little sis in-law, and in love.
This quote speaks for itself.


  1. welcome to the blogger world! :)

  2. This is beautiful of you to open up for all of us to read. My "addiction" to One Tree Hill is sometimes criticized lightly or made fun of because many only see it on the surface. And yeah, if you just see the major events, it would seem over-the-top. But when you open your eyes and open yourself up, it has the power to influence and inspire your life, at least it did to mine. You are in my prayers to continue living with this impressive strength you seem to have gained. Thanks again for sharing this!
