Dream Houses, Dream Weddings, Dream Cars, Dream Jobs, Dream Guy, Dream Girl, Dream Room
These are all things that we can dream about. Things that are fun to think about and hope for one day. But through all these dreams that we dream, I think we get lost in something really important...something so special that we take for granted every day...
The Simple Things In Life.
Why is it that we focus on the things that we don't have, or we focus on the things that drive us crazy...in a bad way? Why is it that we tend to look past the things in our lives that make life great?
I am sitting here thinking about all the wonderful things that happen in my life, the simple things. The things that make me smile. The things that make me laugh. The things that make me just feel good.
I created a list, now obviously if you sat down and created a list of the simple things in your life, we wouldn't match each other thought for thought, but I bet my list is a little like yours. And my list won't even amount to all the simple things in life that I find to be great. Because to me the simple things, are the littlest things...I'll let my list explain...
The smell of the ground after the first rain
Getting a hug from someone you care about
Your favorite song coming on the radio as soon as you turn on your car
A stranger holding the door open for you
A child's laugh
Getting an unexpected call from someone you've been thinking about
A good laugh
Having someone compliment you
Complimenting someone else
Reading a story, verse, quote that directly relates to your life at the very moment
Really good service at a resturant
Reruns of your favorite show playing on TV
Playing a board game
Watching little kids figure out something, how to laugh, crawl, talk, walk, etc.
A really nice text message, email or facebook post written directly to you
Seeing someone you haven't seen in years
Food in the fridge
Getting a handwritten letter in your mailbox
Being kissed by someone special
Waking up 20 minutes early and getting a little bit of extra sleep in the morning
Running Water
Cool breeze when its so hot outside
Listening to a powerful message at church
Coming home to a clean house
Talking to your parents
Having a best friend who is always there
Working out so hard that your whole body aches in a good way
Realizing why something didn't work out
Good news on TV
Being able to hear
Watching a really close game
Coming back home when you've been away for a while
Driving with the windows down on a nice day
Looking back at old pictures
Having a good hair day
A clear face free from acne
Finding the perfect pair of jeans
Being told you matter
Seeing the sunset
Breathing in mountain air
Drinking a milkshake
Smelling fresh baked goods
Your favorite movie is on sale
Being told you are loved
Looking at the stars in the sky
Feeling happy
Meeting someone positive
Trying something new and loving it
Smell of fresh cut grass
Remembering a deadline 24 hours in advance
Getting butterflies
Having your toes painted
Pandora playing a station that matches your mood
Having a good cup of coffee
Spending time with your grandparents
Being able to read
Sleeping in a comfy bed
Feeling safe
Taking a road trip
Going to an amazing concert
Finding out someone you care about is getting married or is pregnant
Breaking soon enough so you avoid an accident
Having your legs feel smooth just after shaving them
Smell of freshly cleaned laundry
Clear blue skies
Being told your beautiful
Eating Ice Cream
Getting someone else to smile or laugh
Good smelling candles
Figuring out a math problem you've been having trouble solving
Dancing for no reason
Hearing a good clean joke
Being able to walk
Turning someones day around
Finding a stick of gum in your purse
Having the DJ play your favorite song
Seeing a field full of wildflowers
Being surprised at work
Full tank of gas
High Five from someone
The feeling in your mouth of freshness after brushing your teeth
Just enough toliet paper left in the bathroom
The sound of birds chirping
Getting asked how your day is going
Watching the waves crash onto the shore
Seeing a dog chase his tail
Reading a child a story
A shirt you loved, that is on sale and in your size
Eating breakfast, lunch and dinner
Finding money in your jeans
Feeling motivated to go for a run
Coupons in the mail for the items you buy the most
Hearing a song that moves you to tears
Feeling productive
Remembering to put out the garbage cans right before the garbage man comes
No dishes in the sink to wash
Flowers in the yard
Getting to spend time with a loved one
Being someones sister, friend, aunt, daughter, granddaughter, etc
Trying a new recipe and it actually tasting good
Learning how to do something you never knew how to do
Hearing a cool fact
Seeing old people hold hands
Milk in the fridge when you are wanting it with cookies
Forgetting you had an article of clothing and then finding it right before an event
Living in a place with a roof over your head
Curling up in a blanket
Hitting all the green lights
Being outside
Having the freedom to believe in whatever you want to believe in
Front row parking spot
Watching a story about how someone accomplished a goal against all odds
Winning a game of tic tac toe
Noticing something you've never noticed before at a place you've been many times
Your car starting when you turn it on
Talking to your neighbor
Getting tipped at your job
The feeling you get after a good prayer
...the list goes on...
Maybe your list is completely different, maybe its exactly the same, either way this was written to make you think, think about how wonderful life truly is, because its the small stuff that makes up our lives, that get us through the day...
I hope this has made you a little more thankful
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