Grudges. What is really the point? It seems to me if you are holding a grudge you are bitter, and if you are bitter your holding back happiness. Happiness to me is the feeling you get when you stop the grudge, stop the bittnerness and fnally realize that all that anger and hate that you felt in your heart is gone forever.
God gives us people in our lives that will challenge us. He sets us up to go through trials, tests and heartbreaks. He doesn't do this to make us suffer but He does this to make us grow. Make us grow in our faith and trust in Him and His plan.
Finally letting the past go is a huge weight off your don't have to automatically wear a frown when the person enters the room. You can enjoy yourself and realize that it is a good thing that the person who caused you to be so upset isn't in your life anymore in the roll they used to be.
Why do we allow ourselves to see the negatives in everything?
Why do we allow ourseleves to let these people make us not believe in the goodness of people?
Goodness is in every person. Every person has something to offer the world. I think sometimes they get so caught up in the bad things they've been up to they think there is no way out...if anything it just makes me sad. Sad that people have such little faith, I can't imagine going through life expecting bad things to happen all the time, seeing the only grey and black and forgetting about the white. Negatives in life are draining...why allow yourself to think there. Being positive and looking at the bright side of things can actually help.
I want to be able to live a life where I can live happily without hate in my heart. I've been betrayed, bullied, mislead, backstabbed, brokenhearted, cheated on, and the list goes on...but I have looked past it all...realized that every happening was a part of God's plan, a purpose, a lesson. It's not up to me to make the other person's life miserable, to drag their name through the mud. God says He will take care of us and we should be kind to our enemies, He even tells us to give them water if they are thirsty.
Give your enemies water if they need it, don't forgive so blindly you allow yourself to get hurt again and again, you can forgive someone without letting them back in your life.
Because sadly in this world there are manipulating people who will try to take your kindess and mistreat it and use it against you. Be strong in your decisions and realize that you are a better, stronger, happier person for all the things you went through.
The people who can't forgive and who dwell seem to be those negative people who make it unhappy to be around them. They are down in the dumps and try to drag you down with them. You posion the people around you.
We weren't put here to be miserable! We were put here to serve a purpose, sometimes we tend to stray off the path, then later realzing we didn't stray, and it was all part of the plan.
Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. Its life. Take the bad with the good the happy with the sad and grow from it.
Be happy with your life...anger isn't attractive, bitterness isn't attractive.
I know it may seem silly that the motivation for this entry was written because of the ABC show the Bachelor Pad, there is a girl on there who is clearly moved on to a "happy perfect" relationship and she's in the house with her ex fiance and cant't get over it and talks badly about him all the time and make it awkward for everyone else.
Its okay to vent, its okay to be down in the dumps, but there comes a point in time when you just really need to move on, because centering youwhole life around making that other person suffer is still making your life about the other person and it in turn makes you unhappy. If they didn't make you happy when you were together, or around them, you should take it as a blessing to become happy and stop obsessing over making sure they are suffering and not succeeding.
Be kind to one and other. You don't have to be everyone's best friend, its unrealistic to think so. But kindness is contagious, just like smiling. Be happy. Be thankful.
You are an amazing person, you have something great to offer this world, if you have any hate built up in your heart, maybe today is the day to get rid of it and move on with your life. You don't have to tell the person you have forgiven them, you can write it in a journal, say it to God, keep it to yourself, or even blog about it...just do it. However you feel, just don't be angry anymore.
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