I know a girl who is beautiful, smart, caring and a great person to know. You won't find her on TV, hear her song on the radio or see her face on a tabloid, she's an extraordinary young adult who is just like you and me. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and because of that she was willing to do this twenty questions with me to share with all of you...
1.What is the one word you would use to describe yourself?Happy
2.Who inspires you? My dad
3.Tell me five of your favorite things. Bowl of Mocha Almond Fudge Ice Cream, Fruit Smoothies, The Perfect Hair Day, Being Woken up by the Sunshine, Naps
4.Where would be the top three places you'd visit?Rome, Austrilla, Bora Bora
5.What character in a movie, tv show or book do you relate the most to?Brittany Snow's character in John Tucker Must Die because even if I know something is wrong I will most likely go along with it.
6.What do you do when you have a bad day? Think about how fortunate I am to think about all oppertunities that I have.
7.What is your favorite scent?Orange Saphire from Bath and Body Works
8.Name one thing you do every day. Eat.
9.You can have any super power, what would it be? Being Invisible so I can listen in on peoples conversations
10.The perfect guy for you in a nutshell? A caring, sweet, considerate person.
11.Most scary thing you've ever done? Moving 13 hours away from home.
12.Your biggest pet peeve?People saying they will do something and then they don't
13.Easiest way to make you smile?For you to smile at me.
14.You have one hour in any store to get everything you want for free...what store would it be?Buffalo Exchange
15.Favorite scene in a movie?The scene in The Notebook they are teenagers about to have sex for the first time.
16.What is one thing you couldn't get paid enough to eat?Puffer Fish
17.Would you rather live near the ocean or a lake?Ocean because I like the noise of the ocean
18.The first thing you think about when you wake up?What I'm going to do that day
19.The perfect concert would have what 3 artists playing?Clay Walker, Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert
20.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?Starting my career as a nurse and hopefully married or soon to be married.
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