Sunday, October 16, 2011

Who will be there?

Without hesitation, without reservation you should be there for someone you care about anytime, day or night.

Family, Friends, Significant Other.

I think we get so lost in our priorties we forget about the important things in life, which aren't things at all, they are people. The people in our life that matter, the ones that are there for us.

Think about your last week who called, texted, took time out of their day to see you, Facebooked, Tweeted, got in touch with you. What did you talk about? Did you laugh? Did you cry? Did you share secrets or just talk about the contents of your day??

Now think about the people who contacted you and reached out to you when something bad happened in your life. Is your list bigger or smaller?

Normally we try to rise to an occasion when something bad happens to someone we love, if they lost a loved one, got broken up with, got laid off, or was diagnosed with an illness. We send flowers, write cards, communicate thoughout the week and let them know how much we care by feeding them, hugging them, listening to them, crying with them. But then after the time settles down we tend to let go of the constant communication, we get wrapped up in our own lives and forget to call to check in or ignore the text messages we get.

I have been though what I've considered as tragedies in my life, I've lost grandparents, family members and close friends and I suffered from a broken heart and during those times people I loved stepped up, and I was so grateful, but the times I feel the most grateful are the times when I get randomly texted when everything seems back to normal, or the days I get called or skyped or sent something in the mail. The people who still care when things are going mediocre in my life,when nothing is too exciting or too sad.

Why do we slack when it comes to every day relationships? Why do we leave the ones we love out of our everyday lives? How hard is it to pick up a phone and take five minutes out of your day to call someone once a week or every two weeks? Why do we get so wrapped up in ourselves that we can't make time for the ones who are there for us when we need them most on just an average day?

Take the time today to tell someone you love them, your thankful for them, or just to catch up.

And if someone you know is going through a hard time, be there for them in whatever way you can, and continue to do so after the rain even stops pouring on them.

The only thing we leave behind with the ones we love when we go are the memories we have with them. Would you rather only have memories during the highest of highs and lowest of lows or memories thoughout life, bad, good, and normal.

Just think about it.

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